Top Level Namespace

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Modules: Ons

Constant Summary collapse


aliyun mq sdk dir

File.expand_path('../aliyun-mq-cpp-sdk', __FILE__)

header dirs to search

  '/opt/local/include',           # search /opt/local for macports
  '/usr/local/include',           # search /usr/local for people that installed from source
  RbConfig::CONFIG['includedir'], # check the ruby install locations
  File.join(ALIYUN_MQ_CPP_SDK_DIR, 'include'),
  '/usr/include',                 # finally fall back to /usr

library dirs to search

  '/opt/local/lib',               # search /opt/local for macports
  '/usr/local/lib',               # search /usr/local for people that installed from source
  RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir'],     # check the ruby install locations
  File.join(ALIYUN_MQ_CPP_SDK_DIR, 'lib'),
  '/usr/lib',                     # finally fall back to /usr