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A Ruby implementation of eISCP (ethernet Integra Serial Control Protocol) for controlling Onkyo receivers.

I'm still sort of updating this code. Please feel free to reach out if there's something you need that it doesn't do, I may be willing to help.

The python version linked below sees much more activity.


  • Automatically discover receivers in the broadcast domain

  • Send commands to receivers and parse returned messages

  • Open a TCP socket to receive solicited and non-solicited status updates.

  • Mock reciever (currently only responds to discovery)

  • Human-readable commands

**Inspired by https://github.com/miracle2k/onkyo-eiscp

**Protocol information from http://michael.elsdoerfer.name/onkyo/ISCP-V1.21_2011.xls

What's missing?

  • Command validation

  • Parsing of all human readable commands (run the tests to see some commands that aren't parsable in human readable form yet.

  • Reasonable variants for human-readable commands (ex. main-volume orvolume as opposed to master-volume)

  • Model compatability checking

  • Logging

  • Exhaustive testing and documentation

Using the Library

  • Install the library

    gem install onkyo_eiscp_ruby
  • Require the library

    require 'eiscp'
  • You might want to include EISCP if you know you won't pollute your namespace with Constants under EISCP (Dictionary, Message, Parser, Receiver, VERSION)

  • You can do most everything through the Receiver and Message objects. If you want to accept user input you will probably want to use the Parser module. Be sure to check out the RDocs or dig through the source code. I try to keep it well commented/documented, and there's more functionality to the library than is shown here:

  • The Message object is pretty self explanatory. Message.new is mostly used internally, but you're better off using Parser.parse to create them. You probably will want to interact with Message objects to get information:

        msg = EISCP::Message.new(command: 'PWR', value: '01')
        msg.zone                => 'main'
        msg.command             => "PWR"
        msg.value               => "01"
        msg.command_name        => "system-power"
        msg.command_description => "System Power Command"
        msg.value_name          => "on"
        msg.value_description   => "sets System On"
  • Discover local receivers (returns an Array of Receiver objects)
  • Create Receiver object from first discovered receiver on the LAN
        receiver = EISCP::Receiver.new
  • Or create one manually by IP address or hostname
        receiver = EISCP::Receiver.new('')
  • When you create a Receiver object with a callback block it will connect and call your block on each message received.:
        receiver = EISCP::Receiver.new do |msg|
          puts msg.command
          puts msg.value
  • Receivers created without a block will not connect automatically. If you try to send a command it will connect transparently, otherwise you can use the connect method to explicitly open a socket to the receiver.
  • You can also set or change the callback block later. This will kill the existing callback thread, recreate the socket if necessary and start a new callback thread using the provided block:
        receiver.connect do |msg|
          puts "Received: #{msg.command_name}:#{msg.value_name}"
  • You can also disconnect, which will close the socket and kill the connection thread:
  • Get information about the Receiver:
        receiver.model => "TX-NR609"
        receiver.host  => ""
        receiver.port  => 60128
        receiver.mac_address => "001122334455"
        receiver.area => "DX"
  • Receivers now have a @state hash that contains a mapping of commands and values received. You can use this see the Receiver's last known state without querying. Use the #update_state method to run every 'QSTN' command in the Dictionary and update the state hash, but do note that it will take a few seconds to finish:
        receiver.state["MVL"] => "22"
        receiver.human_readable_state["master-volume"] => 34
  • You can use CommandMethods to easily send a message and return the reply as a Message object. Once Receiver#connectis called, a method is defined for each command listed in the Dictionary using the @command_name attribute which is 'human readable'. You can check the included yaml file or look at the output of EISCP::Dictionary.commands. Here a few examples:
        # Turn on receiver
        receiver.system_power "on"

        # Query current input source
        receiver.input_selector "query"

        # Turn the master volume up one level
        receiver.master_volume "level-up"

        # Set the master volume to 45
        receiver.master_volume "45"

        # Change the input to TV/CD
        # Note: when a command value has more than one name (an array in the YAML file)
        #       we default to using the first entry. So for `['cd', 'tv', 'cd']` you get:
        receiver.input_selector "cd"
  • Parse ISCP and human readable strings:
        # Parse various ISCP strings 
        iscp_message = EISCP::Parser.parse "PWR01"
        iscp_message = EISCP::Parser.parse "PWR 01"
        iscp_message = EISCP::Parser.parse "!1PWR01"
        iscp_message = EISCP::Parser.parse "!1PWR 01"

        # Parse human readable,
        EISCP::Parser.parse("main-volume 34")
  • Parser.parse is also used internally by Receiver to parse raw eISCP socket data.

Using the Binaries

  • Discover local receivers

    $ onkyo.rb -d

  • Send a human-readable command

    $ onkyo.rb system-power on # uses Parser.parse

  • Or send a raw command

    $ onkyo.rb PWRQSTN # Also tries to use Parser.parse

  • Monitor the first discovered receiver to see status updates

    $ onkyo.rb -m

  • Start the mock server (only responds to 'ECNQSTN')

    $ onkyo-server.rb

  • Turn off the first receiver discovered:

    $ onkyo.rb system-power off

  • List all known commands and values:

    $ onkyo.rb -L

  • List all known commands known to work with discovered models:

    $ onkyo.rb -l


  • Open an issue describing bug or feature
  • Fork repo
  • Create a branch
  • Send pull request