Ruby Gem to control Omega2 GPIO

Control Onion Omega2 GPIOs in ruby TODO: Discribe mocking


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'omega2_gpio'

And then execute in Omega2's console


Or install it yourself in Omega2's console

gem install omega2_gpio

use following to install latest, likely broken pre-release

gem install omega2_gpio --pre

Get Started

Get the System ready

Make sure Ruby is installed on your Omega2 with all needed extensions Execute following in Omega2's console:

opkg update
opkg install ruby
opkg install ruby-gems ruby-enc-extra ruby-openssl ca-certificates

Install this Gem, still in Omega2's console:

gem install omega2_gpio

If you want to play around in the Ruby Console (IRB), like in the GIF below install the IRB

opkg update
opkg install ruby-irb

Start playing

Execute following in Omega2's console to run the Ruby Console (IRB):


Ruby console looks like Omega's console but the line should start like this


go ahead and play around with one GPIO. Use one GPIO where nothing is connected to, to not damage your hardware. It is important to first require the gem, even though it is installed.

require "omega2_gpio"

This way you switch Omega's GPIO1 from low to high

my_gpio =

alt text


TODO: There will be more detailed documentation!!!

Input GPIO

To use GPIO1 as an input, just instantiate an Omega2GPIO::Input using the newmethode and pass in the number of the GPIO to use. (In this case 1 for GPIO1) This will set the GPIO orientation to 'output'.

gpio_number = 1
my_input_gpio =

Read the value of this GPIO as follows

my_input_gpio_value =


The Gem can be configured with following the Omega2Gpio.configuration Object

Omega2Gpio.configuration.messaging_level = 0 # silent: No messages to STDOUT (puts)
Omega2Gpio.configuration.messaging_level = 1 # warn: puts only warnings
Omega2Gpio.configuration.messaging_level = 2 # debug: puts hints and fast-gpio commands

Omega2Gpio.configuration.mock = true  # mocks all Omega2 depending commands as valid, like fast-gpio commands
Omega2Gpio.configuration.mock = false # no mock

Create a config.rb to your project to configure omega2_gpio like described above. Add the file to your .gitignore file. This way you can have devise dependent configuration.

  • On your Omega2 set mock to false and messaging_level to 0
  • On your development computer set mock to true and messaging_level to 2 to conveniently develop you business logic without touching Omega2 all the time.


Semantic Versioning versioning is used. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository or


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome! Feel free to refactor! This is my first Gem, I'll be glad to learn! Please write tests! (see section testing)

Testing (TDD)

Run Rake to run all save tests that don't touch your hardware. They are all mocked. Tests that may damage hardware belong to files ending with _test_may_damage_hardware.rb in the test folder. Run tests that may damage hardware on Omega2 with rake damagingtest.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Similar Gems

@stevenocchipinti's onion_omega uses a slightly different approach to include GPIO control. It even supports stepper motors.

@glurp's ruby-onion-omega2 uses Omega2 file system instead of fast-gpio to control GPIO's. It even allows PWM and OLED access.