
A simple reporter.


Olsen is a framework that wraps the Sadie gem and provides a facility for producing reports which make use of data managed in a Sadie-style primer chassis.


  1. create/choose a directory to put the olsen framework in (or use /var/olsen, the default…ensure writable)

  2. call olsen -init [ -framework-dir /my/dir ]

  3. define jobs in jobs folder and filters, outputs, and inbound data primers in primers folder

  4. call olsen -process <job>

  5. find output product in output folder

  6. Rejoice!


Job files

These should be suffixed with a ‘.job’ and they should be in the jobs folder.

o1=<filename in the outputs folder>
o2=<another one>
oN=<and another>

PDF INI files

These should go in outputs and end in ‘.pdf.ini’

type = latexmk  #only type supported for now is latexmk

path_to_latexmk = /usr/bin/latexmk  #optional, defaults to /usr/bin/latexmk
template = output.outputtest_pdf.tex #should point to a .tex.erb file in the outputs directory


  • enable a ‘olsen -init -with-examples’ that will create a functioning olsen framework with example ini files, sqlite databases and queries, pdf outputs, formatting filters, etc.