
A RubiGen Sinatra application generator providing Blueprint CSS, jQuery, Haml, Sass, Compass, RSpec, Cucumber, and Webrat.


$ sudo gem install olauzon-tempatra -s http://gems.github.com/

Basic Usage

To generate a new application:

$ tempatra your-app-name

Move into your new application:

$ cd your-app-name

Run your application:

$ thin start -p 4567 -R config.ru

Then go to http://localhost:4567/ with your browser.

While you develop, continuously compile your Sass stylesheets with Compass (in another terminal):

$ compass --watch

And of course, use autospec (in yet another terminal)

$ autospec


Show all options

$ tempatra

Display Tempatra version number

$ tempatra -v

Create git repository

$ tempatra your-app-name -G

Create and push to Heroku

$ tempatra your-app-name -H


Aaron Quint's sinatra-gen is a Sinatra application generator that provides many options.

Copyright (c) 2009 Olivier Lauzon. See LICENSE for details.