Offline Lookup

Alhpa (0.0.3). Use at your own risk.

IMPORTANT: don't use this for models that have a lot of data!! This is basically a in-memory pseudo-index intended to speed up quick, repeated finds of index table values without trips to an external db machine. It's also nicer syntax, e.g:

TurnaroundLevel.quick_lookup("Two Hour")

In any ActiveRecord::Base subclass, use:

use_offline_id_lookup column_name

to define class methods that can convert between id and the corresponding value in column_name for the class, without going to the database

column_name defaults to :name, but can be any column of the table use the :key keyword arg if you're interested in a key colun other than :id Usage example:

class TurnaroundLevel < ActiveRecord::Base
  use_offline_lookup :level

If, for example, the first row of the turnaround_levels table has a :level of "Same Day", this gives you

#=> 1
#=> 'Same Day'
TurnaroundLevel.id_for_name('Same Day')
#=> 1
#=> true
#=> <#TurnaroundLevel id: 1, level: "Same Day", ...>

The last of these methods is the "lookup" method, and is not quite offline. This is because we only store the key - name mappings, not the entire objects, in memory when we declare a new offline_lookup model. However it is included by default for convenient syntax (and it uses a lookup on what is usually the primary key of the table, in case the extra few ms matter to you). You can disable it by using

use_offline_lookup :level, lookup_methods: false

You can also disable the identity methods (e.g. TurnaroundLevel.first.same_day?) by using

use_offline_lookup :level, identity_methods: false

(And yes, the keywords can be combined, they're all optional keyword args)

Known Issues

If two entries in the table have the same value in the specified field, all but one will get overwritten. In a future version, I plan to allow multiple-column specificaion, e.g. use_offline_lookup [:firstname, :lastname]