Octopress Multilingual

Add multiple language features to your Jekyll site.

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If you're using bundler add this gem to your site's Gemfile in the :jekyll_plugins group:

group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem 'octopress-multilingual'

Then install the gem with Bundler

$ bundle

To install manually without bundler:

$ gem install octopress-multilingual

Then add the gem to your Jekyll configuration.

  - octopress-multilingual

An important note

There is not a Jekyll standard for multilingual sites and many plugins will not work properly with this setup. Octopress and it's plugins are being designed to support multilingual features, but without a standard, some use-cases may be overlooked. If you have a problem with an Octopress plugin supporting your multilingual site, please file an issue and we'll do our best to address it.

Setting up a multilingual site

When adding this plugin to your site, you will need to:

  1. Configure your site's main language, e.g. main_language: en.
  2. Add a language to the YAML front-matter of your posts, e.g. lang: de.
  3. Add new RSS feeds and post indexes for secondary languages.

Read on and I'll try to walk you through setting up your multilingual site.

Note: This guide will only cover the steps listed above. Your site may still have some plugins which are not designed for multilingual sites. If you are using plugins (like a category index generator) which create pages from your site's posts, they may need to be modified or removed. Modifying plugins is beyond the scope of this guide.


First, be sure to configure your Jekyll site's main language, for example:

main_language: en

Here we are setting the default language to English. Posts without a defined language will be treated as English posts.

Defining a post's language

Posts should specify their language in the YAML front matter.

title: "Ein Nachdenklich Beitrag"
lang: de

If you are using Octopress, you can easily create a new post with the language already site like this:

$ octopress new post "Some title" --lang en

This command will set the post language (in the YAML front-matter) and add it to the _posts/en directory.

Cross-posting languages

Occasionally you may wish to write a post in a single language and have it show up in other languages indexes and feeds. This can be done in your post's YAML front-matter:

title: "Ein Nachdenklich Beitrag"
lang: de
crosspost_languages: true

If your site has language-specific feeds or post indexes, a post with this setting will show up in all of them. However, it isn't duplicated. It will still have one canonical URL.

This plugin does not use categories to add language to URLs. Instead it adds the :lang key to Jekyll's permalink template. Any post with a defined language will have its language in the URL. If this changes URLs for your site, you probably should set up redirects.

If you define your own permalink style, you may use the :lang key like this:

permalink: /posts/:lang/:title/

If you have not specified a permalink style, or if you are using one of Jekyll's default templates, your post URLs will change to include their language. When using Jekyll's pretty url template, URLs will look like this:


This plugin updates each of Jekyll's default permalink templates to include :lang.

pretty  => /:lang/:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title/
none    => /:lang/:categories/:title.html
date    => /:lang/:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title.html
ordinal => /:lang/:categories/:year/:y_day/:title.html

If you don't want language to appear in your URLs, you must configure your own permalinks without :lang.

Changing language scope

This plugin modifies your site's post list. The site.posts array will not contain every post, but only posts defined with your site's main language or with no language defined.

Using the set_lang liquid block, you can temporarily switch languages while rendering a portion of your site. For example:

{{ site.lang }}    # => 'en'
{{ site.posts }}   # => English posts 

{% set_lang de %}
  {{ site.lang }}  # => 'de'
  {{ site.posts }} # => German posts 
{% endset_lang %}

{{ site.lang }}    # => 'en'
{{ site.posts }}   # => English posts 

If you have the octopress-linkblog plugin installed, this will also change scope for your site.articles and site.linkposts loops.

Post Indexes and RSS Feeds

To add multilingual post indexes you can use the set_lang tag like this:

{% set_lang de %}
{% for post in site.posts %}...{% endfor %}
{% endset_lang %}

If your default post index is at /index.html you should create additional indexes for each secondary language. If you're also writing in German, create a posts index at /de/index.html.

DRY up your templates by putting post loops in an include, for example, _includes/post-index.html. It might look this:

{% set_lang page.lang %}
{% for post in site.posts %}...{% endfor %}
{% endset_lang %}

Set the page language to German and include the same partial.

lang: de
{% include post-index.html %}

The set_lang tag will read the page.lang setting and convert the post loop to use German. If page.lang were nil the default language will be used.

If you don't want to set the lang for a page, but want to use {% set_lang %}, that's fine too. It will also work like this:

{% include post-index.html lang='de' %}

# Then in the included partial
{% set_lang include.lang %}

Or even just use a normal post loop on your included file and set the language when including the partial.

{% set_lang de %}{% include post-index.html %}{% endset_lang %}

There are lots of ways to use this, but this approach should work for RSS feeds or any template system which works with the post loop.

Reference posts by language

You may also access secondary languages directly with site.posts_by_language.

For example, to loop through the posts written in your main language (or those with no defined language) you would do this:

{% for post in site.posts %}

If you want to loop through the posts from a secondary language — in this case, German — you would want to do this:

{% for post in site.posts_by_language.de %}


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/octopress-multilingual/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request