Octopress Image Caption Tag

A fork of octopress/image-tag that incorporates Robert Anderson's technique, adds extended features, a block version, and wraps it all up in a gem.

Using the Tag version

{% imgcap [right|left|center] [custom classes] url_or_path 200 200 ["Some Title Text" ["Some alt text"]] %}

Width and height can be either absolute or as a percentage. By default, width is set to 33% for right and left aligned and 100% for centered images, and height is auto-scaled.

If no alt text is specified, the title text is used. The title text will be used for the caption.

Using the Block version

{% imgcaption [right|left|center] [custom classes] url_or_path 200 200 ["Some Title Text" ["Some alt text"]] %}
**Any** standard [Markdown][md] text can be used in captions using the block
{% endimgcaption %}

The block version uses the same options as the tag version, but instead of using the title text for the caption, a block is taken to allow Markdown formatting in the caption text.


The output for either version is the same, except that CAPTION in the version form as wrapped in a

and contains markup. If absolute sizes are used, the .image-caption-absolute class is added to the enclosing figure.

<figure class='image-caption [image-caption-absolute] right|left|center [custom classes]'>
  <a class='image-popup' href='IMGSRC'>
    <img class='caption' src='IMGSRC' width='100%' title='TITLE' alt='ALT'>
  <figcaption class='caption-text'>CAPTION</figcaption>


This gem does not include stylesheets for the image captions. A basic sample stylesheet is shown below that can be adapted to your site. As of version 0.0.6 inline widths were removed from the enclosing figure to allow for better responsive design.

figure.image-caption {
  // Sizing only done on larger tablets and larger
  @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) {
    &.right {
      float: right;
      width: 33%;
    &.left {
      float: left;
      width: 33%;
    &.center {
      margin: 0 auto;
    // Example of custom class
    &.half {
      width: 50%;
    &.image-caption-absolute {
  // Center image within the figure
  img {
    display: block;
    margin: 0 auto;
  // Image should fill space given when not specifically sized
  &:not(.image-caption-absolute) {
    img {
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
  figcaption {
    text-align: center;
    font-style: italic;
    font-size: 0.75em;