
This is the Octomatic Enterprise Core gem. It provides most of the ORM stuff. Class and modules for different tables.


  • gem install octocore

DB Migrations

OctoAdmin CLI

This gem comes with a handy utility called octocore-admin. You can use this utility for db migrations, reset and init.

$ octocore-admin action path/to/config/dir


  • action: The action to be performed. One of init, migrate or reset
  • /path/to/config/dir: The path where your config dir is placed


Clone the repo

$ git clone [email protected]:octoai/gem-octocore.git


$ ./bin/clean_setup.sh


$ rake spec

Verifying connectivity

You can use the following set of commands in irb to verify all things working with this gem. Execute it from irb in PROJ_DIR.

require 'octocore'
config_dir = '/path/to/config/dir'
Octo.connect_with_config_file config_dir

Creating fake stream

It ships with a utility called fakestream. It will automatically stream random data. To use just open your console and type

$ fakestream /path/to/config/dir