OCI Logging Analytics Kubernetes Discovery


A rubygem for discovering Kubernetes resources and send it to OCI Logging Analytics.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'oci-logging-analytics-kubernetes-discovery'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install oci-logging-analytics-kubernetes-discovery


Usage: oci-loganalytics-kubernetes-discovery [options]
        --oci_la_namespace OCI_LA_NAMESPACE
                                     OCI Tenancy Namespace to which the collected log data is to be uploaded
        --oci_la_log_group_id OCI_LA_LOG_GROUP_ID
                                     OCID of Logging Analytics Log Group to which the uploaded data is to be associated with
        --oci_la_cluster_entity_id KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_ENTITY_ID
                                     OCID of Logging Analytics Kubernetes Cluster entity
        --kubernetes_cluster_name KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_NAME
                                     A unique name for each kubernetes cluster must be provided
        --kubernetes_cluster_namespace KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE
                                     Kubernetes namespace in which the discovery job is configured
        --kubernetes_resourcename_prefix PREFIX
                                     Kubernetes cluster resourcename prefix. Defaults to oci-onm
        --kubernetes_cluster_id KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_ID
                                     Unique identifier for Kubernetes cluster
        --endpoint ENDPOINT          Logging Analytics Ingestion API endpoint to ingest your application logs
        --profile_name PROFILE_NAME  OCI Config Profile Name to be used from the configuration file
        --config_file_location CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION
                                     The location of the configuration file containing OCI authentication details
        --kube_config_location KUBE_CONFIG_LOCATION
                                     Path to the kubernetes configuration (kubeconfig) file
        --kubernetes_url KUBERNETES_URL
                                     Kubernetes API server URL. Alternatively, environment variables KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST and KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT can be used
        --client_cert CLIENT_CERT    Path to certificate file for Kubernetes HTTPs/SSL server certificate validation
        --client_key CLIENT_KEY      Path to key for Kubernetes HTTPs/SSL server certificate validation
        --ca_file CA_FILE            Path to CA file for Kubernetes HTTPs/SSL server certificate validation
        --verify_ssl                 Validate SSL certificates while creating kube clients
        --bearer_token_file BEARER_TOKEN_FILE
                                     Path to bearer token file if basic authentication is used
        --secret_dir SECRET_DIR      Path to Kubernetes service account token file to access Kubernetes API
        --discovery DISCOVERY_MODE   Discovery mode to be used: {infra|object}
        --chunk_limit CHUNK_SIZE     Max number of objects that can be fetched via K8s GET API call. Default: 1000
        --skip_upload                Flag to skip uploading data to OCI Logging Analytics [ONLY FOR INTERNAL TESTING]
                                     Flag to collect only warning event logs
        --log_format LOG_FORMAT      Log format to be used: {text|json}
        --log_level LOG_LEVEL        User defined log level: {trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal}
        --enable_threading           Defaults to sequential execution when parameter is not provided
        --thread_count THREAD_COUNT  Number of parallel threads to be used while making requests to API server
        --enable_raw_request         If set, signs the raw request while uploading payloads to Discovery API. The default behavior is to use OCI Ruby SDK
        --help                       Print complete help information and exit


Copyright (c) 2024 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0 as shown at https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl/.

See LICENSE for more details.

Re-distribution Note

If you need to re-distribute this as part of any other binary, you may need to ensure including all the necessary runtime dependencies along with their transitive dependencies. Also, you may need to take care of the necessary attributions as required.