
Gem Version CircleCI

Objecheck provides a simple and extensible object validator


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'objecheck'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install objecheck


require 'objecheck'

# Create a validator with rules
validator = Objecheck::Validator.new({
  type: Hash

# Validator#validate checks the given object and returns error messages as a array
p validator.validate({ a: 1, b: 2 }) # => []
p validator.validate([1, 2]) # => ["root: the type should be a Hash (got Array)"]

# Validate type of keys and values
validator = Objecheck::Validator.new({
  each_key: { type: Symbol }
  each_value: { type: Integer }

p validator.validate({ a: 1, b: 2 }) # => []

# Validate array that contains specific key/value
validator = Objecheck::Validator.new({
  type: Array,
  each: {
    key_value: {
      name: {
        value: { type: String }
      age: {
        required: false,
        value: { type: Integer }

p validator.validate([{ name: 'Jhon', age: 20 }, { name: 'Tom' }]) # => []

Builtin rules


type checks that the object is a given class (by is_a?).

Example schema:

  type: Hash


each checks elements of the object by using each.

Example schema:

  each: {
    type: Integer


each_key checks keys of the object by using each_key.

Example schema:

  each_key: {
    type: Symbol


each_value checks values of the object by using each_pair.

Example schema:

  each_value: {
    type: Integer


key_value checks key/values of the object by using each_pair.

Example schema:

  key_value: {
    name: {
      value: { type: String }
    age: {
      required: false # Default is true
      value: { type: Integer }


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/autopp/objecheck.


Apache License 2.0