
NyarglRecaptcha is a simple gem for integration Google reCAPTCHA v2.0 to your projects


Add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'nyargl_recaptcha'

Run the following command to install it:

bundle install

and that's all


  1. NyarglRecaptcha uses Google reCAPTCHA API, and first what you need to do is a go to (https://www.google.com/recaptcha), click button "Get reCAPTCHA" and follow the instructions. As result, you will get public key and private key. NyarglRecaptcha uses ENV['RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY'] for get public site key, and ENV['RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY'] for get private key. You need some way to pass the keys in the server options:

        RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY=<public_key> RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY=<private_key> rails s
  2. add to your form div block with some identifier, like class or id attributes (by default it's a class g-recaptcha):

    <%= form_tag do %>
        <div class="g-recaptcha"></div>
    <% end %>
  3. add to head section of your html document call the following helper method:

            <%= include_recaptcha_scripts %>

    Note: if you want to use div block with non-default identifier, then you must pass suitable css as argument for call include_recaptcha_scripts, for example:

        <%= include_recaptcha_scripts('#my_recaptcha.my_class') %>
        <%= form_tag do %>
            <div id="my_recaptcha" class="my_class"></div>
        <% end %>
  4. for verifying captcha result, add call verify_recaptcha to action form processing in controller:

        class MyController < ActionController::Base
            def update
                is_catcha_valid = verify_recaptcha

    this method returns true if captcha is valid, otherwise it returns false


This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.