
nyaa (short for nyaa_anime) is the painless Nyaa Torrents anime command-line tool. Search for and download anime torrents and open them automatically. Results are color-coded - green for new episodes of previously downloaded torrents, cyan (blue) for previously downloaded torrents. Automatically find and downloaded new episodes of previously downloaded anime with $ nyaa-get!


$ gem install nyaa_anime

That's all!


Run $ nyaa to see the usage text:

Screenshot 2014-10-16 06.39.22.png

For example, try $ nyaa -m -f ch no game no life:

Screenshot 2014-10-16 06.44.21.png

Downloads are saved to ~/Downloads/nyaa/. Future queries will check the files there and automatically color-code the search results. Green is for new episodes of previously downloaded torrents, while cyan (blue) is for previously downloaded torrents:

Screenshot 2014-10-16 06.46.11.png

The -n (--new) option makes nyaa find new episodes of previously downloaded anime (the torrents in ~/Downloads/nyaa/):

Screenshot 2014-10-16 06.47.55.png

You can also run $ nyaa-get which is equivalent to $ nyaa -na:

Screenshot 2014-10-16 06.48.33.png


If you like nyaa, please donate via PayPal to [email protected] to keep me afloat. Thank you!


  1. Fork it ( https://bitbucket.org/tsubaki/nyaa_anime/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request