
Simplified wrapper + cli for NetWitness REST endpoints

Build Status


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'nwsdk'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install nwsdk


Module documentation is non-existent. Best bet is to look at the specs and/or the cli driver invocations.

To get up and running, invoke 'nw config' and edit ~/.nwsdk.json

The cli is mainly used from the nw command:

  nw cef CONDITIONS --loghost=LOGHOST            # send cef alerts for query conditions
  nw configure [$HOME/.nwsdk.json]               # write out a template configuration file
  nw content CONDITIONS                          # extract files for given query conditions
  nw help [COMMAND]                              # Describe available commands or one specific command
  nw pcap CONDITIONS                             # extract PCAP for given query conditions
  nw query CONDITIONS                            # execute SDK query
  nw timeline CONDITIONS                         # get a time-indexed histogram for conditions
  nw values CONDITIONS                           # get value report for specific meta key

  [--config=CONFIG]  # JSON file with endpoint info & credentials
                     # Default: $HOME/.nwsdk.json
  [--host=HOST]      # hostname for broker or concentrator
  [--port=N]         # REST port for broker/concentrator
                     # Default: 50103
  [--span=N]         # max timespan in seconds
                     # Default: 3600
  [--limit=N]        # max number of sessions
                     # Default: 10000
  [--start=START]    # start time for query
                     # Default: $now-1h
  [--end=END]        # end time for query
                     # Default: $now-ish


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ryanbreed/nwsdk.

Any fixtures/mocks/etc for the actual REST traffic would be highly welcome additions.
