
Seamlessly chain multiple command or query objects together with a simple, lightweight framework.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ntl-orchestra'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ntl-orchestra


Here's a simple example without a lot of context:

operation = Orchestra::Operation.new do
  node :make_array do
    depends_on :up_to
    provides :array
    perform do

  node :apply_fizzbuzz do
    iterates_over :array
    provides :fizzbuzz
    perform do |num|
      next if num == 0 # filter 0 from the output
      str = ''
      str << "Fizz" if num.mod 3 == 0
      str << "Buzz" if num.mod 5 == 0
      str << num.to_s if str.empty?

  finally do
    iterates_over :fizzbuzz
    perform do |str|
      puts str

Orchestra.perform operation, :up_to => 31

There is an easy way to take this gem for a test drive. Clone the repo, and at the project root:

bin/rake console

You can run the gem's tests from within the console with rake:

[1] pry(Orchestra)> rake
Run options: --seed 59938

# Running:


Finished in 0.379958s, 126.3298 runs/s, 1526.4845 assertions/s.

48 runs, 580 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
=> true

Also, you can access the examples:

[1] pry(Orchestra)> Orchestra.perform FizzBuzz, :up_to => 31
[1] pry(Orchestra)> Orchestra.perform InvitationService, :account_name => 'realntl`


Suppose your application, MyApp, allows users to email an invitation to share the app with all the users' followers on a popular social microblogging network. However, the application also maintains an internal database of known blacklist users who never wish to be emailed. In addition, the application uses a simple heuristic algorithm to filter out bots. From the users' perspective, this is all one feature, but it would be difficult to pack into a single class. A straightforward implementation might look something like this:

class InvitationService
  DEFAULT_MESSAGE = "I would really love for you to try out MyApp."

  attr :user, :message

  def initialize user, message = DEFAULT_MESSAGE
    @user = user
    @message = message

  def call
    target_emails.each do |follower|
      EmailDelivery.send message, :to => follower


  def target_emails
    filtered_followers.map do ||
       = FlutterAPI. 

  def filtered_followers
    @filtered_followers ||= filter_robots(raw_followers - blacklisted_followers)

  def raw_followers
    @raw_followers ||= FlutterAPI.get_followers 

  def blacklisted_followers
    @blacklisted_followers ||= Blacklist.pluck :flutter_account_name

  def filter_robots list
    list.reject! do ||
       = FlutterAPI. 
      next unless ['following'] > ROBOT_FOLLOWER_THRESHHOLD
      ['following'] > (['followers'] / 2)

Despite appearing to conform to many popular conventions, so-called "service objects" such as InvitationService often prove extremely painful to work with and maintain, for a litany of reasons. The primary problem is that visibility into the flow of logic through the object has been sacrificed in order to reduce the surface area of the public API. Initially, during development, this appears to be a win, since smaller public APIs mean both less coupling and an easier interface for the next programmer to learn. However, suppose FlutterAPI.get_account starts returning hashes without a 'following' key; this will cause #filter_robots to begin failing without any obvious reason why. To make matters worse, in order to discover where in the process the exception occurred, you have to reverse engineer the order of the operations by walking through all the memoization in your mind.

Another problem is that because InvitationService directly calls out to external services through FlutterAPI (an HTTP gatewary) and Blacklist (an ActiveRecord class), the only way to determine exactly what happened during an invokation of InvitationService#call is to know exactly what those API calls returned. This often means having to pull down production databases and API credentials in order to debug specific failure cases. And that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of how painful an object like InvitationService is to test. You have to shove a bunch of fabricated records into a database and mock all of the API calls to FlutterAPI.

As your application matures, you'll find that your test environment begins diverging significantly from your production environment. Confidence in your test suite drops, and you have to resort to either pulling down production state or logging into a rails console on a production system in order to debug problems. The difficulty of write automated tests for this "service object" and the need to constantly invoke the code within a production context are actually two facets of the same problem -- your code is coupled to your environment.

Objects like InvitationService are not fun to work with.

Wiring up an orchestration

Here is a simple translation of the above InvitationService into an orchestration:

InvitationService = Orchestra::Operation.new do
  DEFAULT_MESSAGE = "I would really love for you to try out MyApp."

  node :fetch_followers do
    depends_on :account_name
    provides :followers
    perform do

  node :fetch_blacklist do
    provides :blacklist
    perform do
      Blacklist.pluck :flutter_account_name

  node :remove_blacklisted_followers do
    depends_on :blacklist
    modifies :followers
    perform do
      followers.reject! do |follower|
         = follower.fetch 'username'

  node :filter_robots do
    modifies :followers, :collection => true
    perform do |follower|
       = follower.fetch 'username'
       = FlutterAPI. 
      next unless ['following'] > ROBOT_FOLLOWER_THRESHHOLD
      next unless ['following'] > (['followers'] / 2)

  finally :deliver_emails do
    depends_on :message => DEFAULT_MESSAGE
    iterates_over :followers
    perform do |follower|
      EmailDelivery.send message, :to => follower

At first sight, that very likely appears to be a giant pile of ruby DSL goop. And you would be correct. I'll show you how to plug in POROs in a bit, and there are some further improvements that will make the indirection worth while. For now, here is how you would perform this command:

# Use the default message
Orchestra.perform InvitationService, :account_name => 'realntl'

# Override the default message
Orchestra.perform InvitationService, :account_name => 'realntl', :message => 'Say cheese!'

There's a lot more to learn, but let's start by building an understanding of the DSL.

Breaking down the DSL: Nodes

An operation is a collection of nodes that each individually take part in producing some larger behavior. Each node represents one step, or stage, in the whole process. A node, essentially, accepts input, processes, and provides output. Let's look at the first node, called :fetch_followers.

node :fetch_followers do
  depends_on :account_name
  provides :followers
  perform do

This node depends on something called an account_name. This means you must supply :account_name when you perform the operation, otherwise, :fetch_followers won't work. orchestra ensures that your performance can't commence without the required input:

 # Raises Orchestra::MissingInputError: Missing input :account_name
# Works correctly
operation.perform :account_name => 'realntl'

Dependencies can be optional. In the above example, deliver_emails defaults the :message input to DEFAULT_MESSAGE.

Often, you will need the output of one operation to feed into the input of another. The annotations depends_on, iterates_over, and modifies all describe the inputs, and provides describes the output. When provides is omitted, the name of the output is set to match the name of the node. Orchestra actually uses the annotations to sort the ordering of the nodes at runtime to ensure that all dependencies are satisfied. In the above example, remove_blacklisted_followers would not execute before fetch_blacklist, no matter where their definitions were placed within the operation. Orchestra detects that remove_blacklisted_followers depends on blacklist, and fetch_blacklist actually provides a blacklist, so it knows to run fetch_blacklist before remove_blacklisted_followers. Similarly, if you had your own list of blacklisted account names lying around, you could bypass the fetch_blacklist node altogether, since there is no sense fetching a blacklist when you've already got one:

# Never invokes fetch_blacklist
operation.perform :account_name => 'realntl', :blacklist => %w(dhh unclebobmartin)

This allows your operations to be reused in cases where some of the dependencies can already be satisfied.

Finally, the modifies annotiation deserves some explaining. When a node merely mutates an input, you are certainly welcome to declare distinct depends_on and modifies annotations:

node :remove_blacklisted_followers do
  depends_on :blacklist, :followers
  provides :followers

However, modifies simply condenses the two into one. The following example is identical to the previous:

node :remove_blacklisted_followers do
  depends_on :blacklist
  modifies :followers

Breaking down the DSL: the operation itself

Configuring the operation is rather simple. You define the various nodes, and then specify the result. There are three ways to specify the result.

The first is very straightforward:

Orchestra::Operation.new do
  node :foo do
    depends_on :bar
    provides :foo # optional, since the node is called :foo
    perform do  end

  self.result = :foo

The second is just a shortened form of the first:

Orchestra::Operation.new do
  # Define a node called :foo and make it the result
  result :foo do
    depends_on :bar
    perform do  end

The third is a minor variation of the second. The only difference is that the operation will always return true. finally makes sense for operations that perform side effects (e.g. Command objects), whereas result will make sense for queries.

Orchestra::Operation.new do
  finally :foo do
    depends_on :bar
    perform do  end

Hooking in POROs

You can also hook up POROs to operations as nodes. This is important both to manage complex nodes as well as leveraging existing objects in the system. The filter_robots node could be expressed as a PORO rather easily:

node FilterRobots, :iterates_over => :followers, :collection => true

class FilterRobots
  def initialize followers
    @followers = followers

  def perform follower
     = follower.fetch 'account_name'
     = FlutterAPI. 
    next unless ['following'] > ROBOT_FOLLOWER_THRESHHOLD
    next unless ['following'] > (['followers'] / 2)

Orchestra infers the dependencies from FilterRobots#initialize, and automatically instantiates the object for you during the performance. You can alter the name of the method:

node MyPoro, :method => :call

You can also hook into singletons like Module (or a Class that implements self.perform):

node MySingleton, :method => :invoke

module MySingleton
  def self.invoke … end

By default, the name of the provision will be inferred from the object name.


Two of the nodes in the InvitationService orchestration -- filter_robots and deliver_emails -- actually operate on collections. deliver_emails indicates that :followers is a collection by using the iterates_over annotation instead of depends_on. In fact, the two annotations are identical except that iterates_over indicates that the dependency is in fact going to be a list. Collections can be defined on a modifies annotation, as well, by supplying :collection => true as in the case of filter_robots.

When nodes iterate over collections, Orchestra invokes perform do … end block once for each item in the collection passed in. It also spreads out each invokation across a thread pool. By default, there is only one thread in the thread pool. You can reconfigure that globally in an initializer of some kind:

Orchestra.configure do
  # Thread pools will spin up five threads
  self.thread_count = 5

These collections can operate as filters; the output list is a mapping of the input list transformed by the perform block. When the perform block returns nil, the output shrinks by one element. Consider the FizzBuzz example at the top of this document. Notice that 0 doesn't get printed out. This is because the perform block in apply_fizzbuzz returned nil when the num was zero. nil values get compact'ed.

Invoking an operation through a conductor

Now that you understand how to define operations, we can do some cool things with them. First, though, we need to change the way we invoke operations. Let's instantiate a Conductor, and have that perform our operations for us:

conductor = Orchestra::Conductor.new
conductor.perform InvitationService, :account_name => 'realntl'

What did that buy us? First, we can configure the size of the thread pool specifically for this conductor:

conductor.thread_count = 5

Second, we can inject services into our operation. Our operation needs to be modified such that our database connections and API access are passed in as dependencies:

node :fetch_followers do
  depends_on :account_name, :flutter_api
  provides :followers
  perform do

# and

node :fetch_blacklist do
  depends_on :blacklist_table
  provides :blacklist
  perform do
    blacklist_table.pluck :flutter_account_name

Now we can teach the conductor how to supply the services.

conductor = Orchestra::Conductor.new(
  :flutter_api     => FlutterAPI,
  :blacklist_table => Blacklist,

We can also override the conductor's service registry by supplying them into the performance itself, as we do any other dependency like account_name:

conductor.perform InvitationService, :account_name => 'realntl', :blacklist_table => mock

What did this buy us? Two big things. We can now attach observers to the performance, and we can actually record all calls in and out of the flutter_api and blacklist_table services. The former allows us to share the internal operation of the performance with the rest of the system without breaking encapsulation, and the latter allows us to actually replay the operation against recorded snapshots of live performances.

Additionally, you can pass the conductor into nodes. In this way you can embed one orchestration into another:

inner_operation = Orchestra::Operation.new do
  result :foo do
    provides :bar
    perform do
      bar * 2

outer_operation = Orchestra::Operation.new do
  result :baz do
    depends_on :conductor
    provides :qux
    perform do
      conductor.perform inner_operation

conductor = Conductor.new
conductor.perform outer_operation

To shorten this, the inner operation can be "mounted" inside the outer operation:

inner_operation = Orchestra::Operation.new do
  result :foo do
    provides :bar
    perform do
      bar * 2

outer_operation = Orchestra::Operation.new do
  result inner_operation

Observing a performance

You can attach observers to any Conductor:

conductor.add_observer MyObserver

class MyObserver
  def update event_name, *args
    case event_name
    when :operation_entered then "Hello"
    when :operation_exited then "World!"
    when :node_entered then "Hello from within a node"
    when :node_exited then "Goodbye from within a node"
    when :error_raised then "Ruh roh!"

The arguments passed to update will vary based on the event:

Event First argument Second argument
:operation_entered The name of the operation starting Input going into the operation
:operation_exited The name of the operation finishing Output of the operation
:node_entered The name of the node Input going into the node
:node_exited The name of the node Output of the node
:error_raised The error itself nil

Embedded performances will inherit the observers of the outer operation.

Recording and playing back services

The final main feature of Orchestra is the ability to record the service calls throughout an operation. These recordings can then be used to replay operations. This could be helpful, for instance, to attach to exceptions in your exception logging service so that programmers can replay failed performances on their development environments. In addition, these recordings could be used to drive integration testing. Thus, instead of using separate tools such as ActiveRecord fixtures, FactoryGirl, and VCR for every service dependency, you can test your operations with one single setup artifact.

You can record a performance on any Conductor by calling #record instead of #perform:

recording = conductor.record InvitationService, :account_name => 'realntl'
recording.output # <-- the usual output is attached to the recording itself

And a recording can be replayed:

Orchestra.replay_recording InvitationService, recording

You can override the inputs passed in when replaying:

Orchestra.replay_recording InvitationService, recording, :account_name => "dhh"

If you want to serialize/persist the recording, just use JSON.dump:

json = JSON.dump recording
File.write "/tmp/recording.json", json

You can replay the recording using JSON.load:

json = File.read "tmp/recording.json"
recording = JSON.load json
Orchestra.replay_recording InvitationService, recording


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request