
npm2gem is a tool to help you maintain 'gemified assets' for Ruby on Rails, by automatically pulling assets from NPM.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

group :development do
  gem "npm2gem"

Then run:

$ bundle


npm2gem uses a configuration file: .npm2gem.yml.

Once that file is set up, you just run npm2gem and it'll automatically download the correct package from npm, and copy the files you want into your gem.

It assumes that all files will go into vendor/assets, with javascript files going into vendor/assets/javascripts and stylesheet files going into vendor/assets/stylesheets.


Here is the specification for the .npm2gem.yml file:

  - dist/css/boostrap.css
  - dist/css/bootstrap-theme.css
  - dist/js/bootstrap.js


You can also tell npm2gem which subfolder you'd like the assets to be placed in.

Note: all .css files go into vendor/assets/stylesheets and all .js files go into vendor/assets/javascripts, this is currently a default that you cannot override.

You can create subdirectories though.

Let's say you wanted to put the bootstrap-theme.css file into vendor/assets/stylesheets/themes instead.

Here's the .npm2gem.yml you'd use:

  - dist/css/boostrap.css
  - dist/js/bootstrap.js
  - themes:
    - dist/css/bootstrap-theme.css


  • [ ] Support SCSS, Coffee, etc.
  • [ ] Add support for fonts?
  • [ ] Add tests for:
    • [ ] ensuring you can group JS and CSS files together in .npm2gem.yml
    • [ ] ensuring subdirectories can be nested

Future work

Eventually, I'd like there to be a service that uses this gem to intermittenly poll npm to check for new packages.

Once it finds one, it'll open a PR with the project to see if they want to update their gem.


Bug reports, support requests and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.