Notify Me

This is a gem that provides simple and generic notifications that can have 0 or more actions associated with them.


    class User < ActiveRecord::Base

    class Task < ActiveRecord::Base

    class TaskSwap < ActiveRecord::Base
        belongs_to :from, class_name: "User"
        belongs_to :to,     class_name: "User"
        belongs_to :task

        def accept_swap(action)

        def reject_swap(action)

A user wants to request a task swap

    swap_task = SwapTask.create(...)
    notification = NotifyMe::Notification.create(message: "John Doe would like to swap tasks with you")
    user.notifications << notification

    notification.actions.create(notification: notification, commandable: swap_task, commandable_action: "accept_swap", name: "Accept")
    notification.actions.create(notification: notification, commandable: swap_task, commandable_action: "reject_swap", name: "Reject")

Likely in some controller somewhere

    action = Action.find(params[:id])
    action.run_action() # if this was the action created above, this would call swap_task.accept_swap(action)


  • belongs_to :notifyable
  • has_many :actions
  • message - String
  • message_details - String
  • categories - String


  • belongs_to :notification
  • belongs_to :commandable
    • can either be an instance
    • or a class (set the :commandable_type String to the class name -- I.E. "User")
  • commandable_action - String
    • must either be
      • an action on the instance
      • or an action on the class
  • response_identifier - String
    • not required, but if it is provided it must be unique
  • has_been_processed - Boolean
    • set to true after the action is processed.
  • name - String
    • say you want a name to display in a UI, use this field here