Nostos Source Driver: Illiad

This is an Illiad source driver for Nostos.

See Nostos for more information.


Add the following to your Gemfile and run bundle install

gem 'nostos-source-illiad'


You can interactively configure the Illiad source driver by running rails generate source_illiad:install. This will prompt you for the necessariy values.

You can manually configure the Illiad source drive in config/source_illiad.rb:

number_of_days_to_poll: 14

  adapter:    'sqlserver'
  dataserver: ''
  username:   ''
  password:   ''

  url:      'http://HOSTNAME/illiad/WebCirc/Logon.aspx'
  username: ''
  password: ''

dataserver is the name for your server as defined in freetds.conf. number_of_days_to_poll is how many days you want to poll into the past. This number must be greater than how often you run Nostos in order to stay synchronized. I recommend polling 2-3 days in the past at most. Your WebCirc URL may be different, though the above should hold true for most OCLC hosted servers.

The db variable will actually be passed directly to ActiveRecord#establish_connection so you can define any additional parameters as necessary.


Nostos was written by Brice Stacey