
Develop custom templates for your online school locally.


  1. Install Ruby version greater than or equal to 2.0
  2. To install the command line execute
gem install schoolkeep


For a good starting point building your templates, have a look at the ones we use by default here:

You can either clone/fork the repository or you can download it via this zip.

Local Development Commands

sk server

Hosts your local development environment at http://localhost:4000

This allows you to modify and develop your templates locally without having to upload them to your school.

If activesupport is not installed automatic pluralization will not work accurately. To install activesupport xcode commandline tools for OSX or ruby devkit for Windows is required.

sk generate-fixtures

This command will generate local sample data at config/fixtures.yml to be used with sk server. This sample data will not be uploaded to SchoolKeep and is only for testing purposes within the local development environment.

We store this data in YAML format. You can read more about YAML here

In order to reduce duplication in the fixtures any value that starts with a : is a reference to a key under models:.

Remote School Commands

In order to use these features you must set your SK_API_KEY environment variable with the api key given from support. You can set SK_API_KEY by setting it in your .bash_profile or in every command SK_API_KEY=abc123 sk upload where upload can be any command and abc123 is replaced by your API key.

sk download-fixtures

This command will download data from your online school to config/fixtures.yml to be used with sk server. This sample data will not be uploaded to SchoolKeep and is only for testing purposes within the local development environment.

sk upload --all

This command will upload all valid templates files in the sk-design/templates folder and overwrite any old ones. THESE CHANGES WILL TAKE PLACE IMMEDIATELY

sk upload templates/custom_page.html.sktl

This command will do the same as above but upload a single file

You should see output noting which files have been uploaded. Once this has completed, you can visit your live school and see the changes.

Error Messages

  1. invalid templates - you have sktl in your templates folder that cannot be used.
  2. upload failed - Either your connection is bad or something had happened on our servers.

sk reset --all

This will reset all your styles and templates on your school.

sk reset custom_page.html.sktl

This will reset the specified single template. (directory will be ignored)



  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request