
This is Norikra UDF.

splituri UDF return value corresponds to specified element in uri string like

splitquery UDF return value corresponds to target key in query string like hoge=foo.

Build Status


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'norikra-udf-uri_parser'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install norikra-udf-uri_parser


  -- path is like "/hoge?foo=bar"
  splitquery(splituri(path, 'query'), 'foo') AS val
FROM access_log

This query returns below.


splituri(expression, string)

Second argument accepts scheme,userinfo,host,port,path,opaque,query,fragment.

Example queries:

1. Using path field.
  -- path is like "/hoge?foo=bar#top"
  splituri(path, 'scheme')   AS scheme,
  splituri(path, 'userinfo') AS userinfo,
  splituri(path, 'host')     AS host,
  splituri(path, 'port')     AS port,
  splituri(path, 'path')     AS path,
  splituri(path, 'opaque')   AS opaque,
  splituri(path, 'query')    AS query,
  splituri(path, 'fragment') AS fragment
FROM access_log

This query returns below.

2. Using URL filed.
  -- referer is like ""
  splituri(referer, 'scheme')   AS scheme,
  splituri(referer, 'userinfo') AS userinfo,
  splituri(referer, 'host')     AS host,
  splituri(referer, 'port')     AS port,
  splituri(referer, 'path')     AS path,
  splituri(referer, 'opaque')   AS opaque,
  splituri(referer, 'query')    AS query,
  splituri(referer, 'fragment') AS fragment
FROM access_log

This query returns below.


splitquery(expression, string)

Second argument is the key that you want to get the value.

Example queries:

1. key=value parameter.
  -- query is like "foo1=bar1&foo2=bar2&foo3=bar3"
  splitquery(query, 'foo1') AS foo1,
  splitquery(query, 'foo2') AS foo2,
  splitquery(query, 'foo3') AS foo3
FROM access_log

This query returns below.

2. key[]=values parameter.
  -- query is like "foo[]=bar1&foo[]=bar2&foo[]=bar3"
  splitquery(query, 'foo[]') AS foo
FROM access_log

This query returns below.

3. Only key parameter.
  -- query is like "test&foo1=bar1&foo2=bar2"
  splitquery(query, 'test') AS test,
  splitquery(query, 'other') AS other
FROM access_log

This query returns below.



  • Add method returns all query value as hash. (ex. splitquery("foo=bar&buzz=123") return {"foo":"bar","buzz":123})


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request