
Norikra UDF to lookup external data source. (Currently, only TSV file)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'norikra-udf-lookup'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install norikra-udf-lookup


lookup_tsv(string, string, string)

Parameters are: TSV file path, key to lookup, return value if the key was not found.

Lookup key in TSV file and return corresponding value.

For example, create such file with "keyvalue" pairs.

% cat /tmp/lookuptest.tsv 
1       aaa
2       bbb
3       ccc

Register query with this UDF.

  id, lookup_tsv('/tmp/lookuptest.tsv',id,'not found') as name, count(*) as cnt
FROM min)
GROUP by id

Send some events.

% echo '{"id":"1"}' | norikra-client event send test_stream
% echo '{"id":"2"}' | norikra-client event send test_stream
% echo '{"id":"3"}' | norikra-client event send test_stream
% echo '{"id":"4"}' | norikra-client event send test_stream

Then, you will get there records.

{"time":"2015/07/28 12:13:24","query":"lookuptest","id":"3","cnt":1,"name":"ccc"}
{"time":"2015/07/28 12:13:24","query":"lookuptest","id":"2","cnt":1,"name":"bbb"}
{"time":"2015/07/28 12:13:24","query":"lookuptest","id":"1","cnt":1,"name":"aaa"}
{"time":"2015/07/28 12:13:24","query":"lookuptest","id":"4","cnt":1,"name":"not found"}
  • Copyright (c) 2015- OGIBAYASHI Hironori
  • License
    • GPL v2