Nomen Build Status

Simple library for formatting (and maybe later, parsing) human names.


The name is latin for "name"; no misandry intended. For now I'm only handling my current use case, which is very basic formatting of American-style names.

I am aware of the complexity of human names.


require 'nomen'

n = 'Katya', middle: 'Verenice', last: 'Voelker', suffix: 'M.D.')
n.format # => "Katya Verenice Voelker M.D."
n.format(:inverted) # => "Voelker, Katya Verenice M.D."
n.middle = nil
n.format # => "Katya Voelker M.D."
n.format(:inverted) # => "Voelker, Katya M.D."

Copyright (c) 2013 Abe Voelker. Released under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.