
NoidsClient provides a wrapper around the noids server REST API. This is the thinnest wrapper possible. Don't expect any sophisticated behavior.


require 'noids_client'

noids ="localhost:13001")
noids.pool_list      # = ["sdfg"]
noids.server_version # = "1.0.1"
mypool = noids.new_pool("mypool", ".zdddk") # = ["0000"]
p = noids.get_pool("sdfg")  # load a pool which has already been created     # = "sdfg"
p.closed?  # = false
p.last_mint_date # = #<DateTime: 2014-06-16T14:27:19-04:00 ((2456825j,66439s,22553001n),-14400s,2299161j)>
p.template # = ".zeeek+24457"
p.ids_used # = 24457
p.max_ids  # = Float::INFINITY     # = ["102bm"] # = ["102cr", "102dw", ..., "1042q"]
p.close    # closes the pool to new minting
p.closed?  # = true     # opens the pool to new minting (provided there are more ids available for minting)
p.update   # reloads ids_used and last_mint_date from the server


  • mint will only take an argument between 1 and 1000, inclusive. Other values will cause an exception. This limitation is imposed by the server.
  • In the case of connection issues, exceptions are raised.

Setting up a noids server

A noids server is not provided by this repository. However, for testing or experimentation it is convinent to set up a noids server, which is not difficult.

On a Mac with homebrew

First install a golang environment.

brew install go
mkdir ~/gocode
export GOPATH=~/gocode
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH

Install the noids server:

go get

Start it, and have it keep pools in memory.


These pools will be lost when the server is restarted. To save the pools to disk use

noids -storage directory/to/use

There are other options, including saving the pools to a database. See the documentation on the noids server page.

You can test the server using curl. Note that the default port for the server to listen on is 13001. These commands will create a pool named 'test' which will generate ids using the template .sddd. Then 50 ids are minted, and the pool is advanced past the id 432, so that 432 will never be minted by this pool.

curl 'http://localhost:13001/pools' -F 'name=test' -F 'template=.sddd'
curl 'http://localhost:13001/pools/test/mint' -F 'n=50'
curl 'http://localhost:13001/pools/test/advancePast' -F 'id=432'

On Linux

Install a golang envrionment. This should be done using your package management system. e.g. yum install golang. Then follow the remaining steps above.