Nknm Build Status Gem Version

Select from a list of items using easy-to-type nicknames.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

# update with the version of your choice
gem 'nknm'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install nknm


Require the gem in your code:

require "nknm"

You can use a static list of names:

# source your names from a known list, or from a file, or anything...
options = Nknm::Lists::Names.new(%w[First Second Third Fourth Fifth])

nickname = Nknm::Nickname.new("fh")
# => ["Fourth", "Fifth"]

nickname = Nknm::Nickname.new("s")
# => ["Second"]

If you want to choose items from a directory, you can do that too:

# try named params like `include_subdirs` or `include_files` (both default to true)
options = Nknm::Lists::Directory.new("/Users/kevin/Development")


Using a terminal, and getting back multiple selections? Use a Selector:

options = Nknm::Lists::Names.new(%w[First Second Third Fourth Fifth])
nickname = Nknm::Nickname.new("f")
matches = options.matches_for(nickname)

selection = Nknm::List::Selectors::Terminal.build(matches).selection
puts "You selected: #{selection}" if selection

You'll be prompted with:

1) First
2) Fourth
3) Fifth

Enter the number of your selection at the ? prompt, and you'll have your match!


As a terminal user and microservice engineer, I jump back-and-forth between a lot of different projects. I have a single directory that holds about 60 different git repos, and I like to be able to jump to any one of them from anywhere, without having to set up a ton of aliases, or type out full names.

So, in my ~/.bashrc, I might set up something like this:

export GIT_REPO_BASEDIR=/Users/kevin/Development

function nd
  local dir=$(nknm-dir -F $GIT_REPO_BASEDIR $1)
  if [ -n "$dir" ]
    cd $dir
    echo "No matching directory found" >&2
    return 1
export -f nd

Then, from my terminal prompt, I can be whisked away to the directory of my choosing:

$ nd dar
1) /Users/kevin/Development/darryl
2) /Users/kevin/Development/docker-library
? 1

And when there's a single match for the nickname, no additional prompting is required.


Please submit an issue. We'll figure out how to get you up and running with Nknm as smoothly as possible.