NIST Software Portal Theme for Jekyll Websites

Author: ODI


This gem can be used in two ways: either as a gem-based theme or through GitHub pages remote theme support (details here).

Gem-Base Theme

Add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:

gem "nist-software-theme"

And add this line to your Jekyll site's _config.yml:

theme: nist-software-theme

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install nist-software-theme

It is unclear if the remote theme is suitable for local development, but it will work on deployed sites.


This theme supports multiple page websites. Any page which is located at /, such as /, will be added to the navigation bar at the top. Each page should include the following YAML front matter:

layout: default
title: Title of the Page

Currently, there is only the default layout.

Adding a Blog

In true Jekyll fashion, a blog can be created by adding a _posts/ directory. See the Jekyll Documentation for details on formatting blog entries.

The following code is an example of how to create a list of blog entries:

  {% for post in site.posts %}
      <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
  {% endfor %}


With Ruby Gems

Assuming working on OS X, tested on OS X 10.11.2. gem (Ruby package manager) was preinstalled, so just working from there:

# Install the dependencies:
$ gem install jekyll

# Build and serve the website
$ jekyll serve --baseurl=''

# Browse to (by default) `localhost:4000` in a web browser
$ open localhost:4000

For more information, check out the full documentation at:

With Bundler

Using Bundler:

# Install the dependencies
$ bundle Install

# Build and serve the website
$ bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl=''

# Browse to (by default) `localhost:4000` in a web browser
$ open localhost:4000


This Jekyll theme is released under the MIT License. For more details see the LICENSE File.