ngrok API client library for Ruby

This library wraps the ngrok HTTP API to make it easier to consume in Ruby.


This library is published on Rubygems

gem install ngrok-api


A quickstart guide and a full API reference are included in the ngrok Ruby API documentation


Please consult the documentation for additional examples.

require 'ngrokapi/client'
client = '<API KEY>')

# Get an instance of the api_keys client and list all API keys
keys_client = client.api_keys

Local Documentation

Documentation can be generated with the command:

bundle exec yard doc 'lib/**/*.rb'

This will generate documentation which can be viewed within the doc folder.


Specs can be run with the command:

bundle exec rake

This will generate a coverage report which can be viewed within the coverage folder.


Rubocop can be run with the command:

# Run rubocop on lib folder
bundle exec rubocop 'lib'

# Run rubcop on all files
bundle exec rubocop