
Nginxbrew is a tool to install multi-version of nginx/nginxopenresty into your machine.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'nginxbrew'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install nginxbrew

Quick start Guide

You can install new nginx build by specifying the version as follows

$ nginxbrew install 1.7.6

"1.7.6" is the version of nginx.

If you need to install openresty,

$ nginxbrew install openresty-

After the command execution, ~/nginxbrew (or path which set NGINXBREW_HOME in env) will be created into your machine and nginx is installed as follows

~/nginxbrew/bin/nginx                           -- current sbin
~/nginxbrew/run/                                -- directory for pid file, be shared
~/nginxbrew/logs/<version>/                     -- log files
~/nginxbrew/versions/ngx-<version>/             -- $prefix directory of each version
~/nginxbrew/versions/ngx-<version>/nginx.conf    -- nginx.conf and also pther .conf files are installed here
~/nginxbrew/versions/ngx-<version>/bin/nginx    -- nginx bin for each version

Then you can start up nginx by command which same as original nginx as follows

$ ~/nginxbrew/bin/nginx
$ ~/nginxbrew/bin/nginx -s reload

If you want to use this nginx for default, add new line to .bashrc like as follows.

$ echo "export PATH=$PATH:~/nginxbrew/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc

Then there are 2 nginxes are activated in your machine, you can confirm it by the command

$ nginxbrew list

You can switch to other version of nginx as follows

$ nginxbrew use <version>

If you want to use openresty- from other version of nginx, you can do this as follows,

$ nginxbrew use openresty-

You can see all exsiting versions of nginxes/openresties by the following command.

$ nginxbrew nginxes
$ nginxbrew openresties

If you specify prefix of version, the version will be filtered.

$ nginxbrew nginxes 1.7

Customize configuration

Change home directory of nginxbrew

You can choose other home dir for nginxbrew by the following env.

NGINXBREW_HOME   # change nginxbrew root directory from ~/nginxbrew to somewhere

Change options to build nginx

Some build options for can be changed by config file.

This is in ruby DSL format, so you can change some build options easily.

First, you can create new configfile by using makeconf command.

$ nginxbrew makeconf `pwd`/myconfig.rb

The following myconfig.rb is configuration to share $prefix of nginx & nginx.conf troughout all builds of nginx, and changing user/group, build options.

Nginxbrew.configure do |config|

    config.ngx_prefix = File.join(config.home_dir, "share")
    config.ngx_conf_path = File.join(config.home_dir, "share/nginx.conf")

    config.ngx_user = "somebody"
    config.ngx_group = "somebody"

    # add(or update) flags in this section
        "--with-lua51" => nil,
        "--pid-path" => "/tmp/",
        "--http-fastcgi-temp-path" => File.join(config.home_dir, "/tmp/fastcgi"),
        "--http-uwsgi-temp-path" => File.join(config.home_dir, "/tmp/uwsgi"),
        "--with-select_module" => nil,


then, specify path to config file which you wrote as follows

$ export NGINXBREW_CONFIG=/path/to/my_config.rb

then nginxbrew starts to using this configuration.


  • write tests completely
  • installable the same version of nginx with defferent labels like as follows

    $ nginxbrew install 1.7.6:prj1

    $ nginxbrew install 1.7.6:prj2

    $ nginxbrew use prj1

  • multiple install

    $ nginxbrew install 1.4 openresty-1.7 1.7.5


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/nginxbrew/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request