Aptinstaller: automatically install apt package dependencies


This gem installs packages through apt-get in a similar manner as geminstaller installs gems.


aptinstaller [/full/path/to/rails/project/root]


Add a Config File

Put something like this in config/aptinstaller.yml:

  - executable: firefox
  - executable: MP4Box
    package: gpac

The executable field is the name of the executable (i.e. $ MP4Box). If the package's name in the repositories is different from the executable, specify the package name with the "package" field (i.e. "gpac" which provides the MP4Box executable).

Add to Preinitializer

Then in config/preinitializer.rb (create it if it doesn't exist, it's pulled automatically from boot.rb):

require 'rubygems'
require 'aptinstaller'
AptInstaller.autopkg(:config => 'config/aptinstaller.yml')


Latest Stable

sudo gem install ngauthier-aptinstaller

Cutting Edge

rake gem
sudo gem install pkg/aptinstaller-x.y.z.gem

Other Notes

This gem uses Jeweler. HighFive@technicalpickles!