Description of nflog

nflog is a wrapper around libnetfilter_log for Ruby.

For example, you can receive captured packets for the NFLOG group 1:

require 'nflog'

Netfilter::Log.create(1) do |packet|
    link, data =

    puts "Timestamp: #{packet.timestamp}"
    puts "Prefix: #{packet.prefix}"
    puts "UID: #{packet.uid}"
    puts "GID: #{packet.gid}"
    puts "Interface: #{packet.indev_name}"
    puts "Physical interface: #{packet.phys_indev_name}"
    puts "Ethernet: #{link.unpack("H*")[0]}" 
    puts "Payload: #{data.unpack("H*")[0]}" 

Setting up iptables

This example rule can be used for sniffing incoming UDP traffic:

iptables -A INPUT -p udp -j NFLOG --nflog-group 1

Setting up ebtables

You will need ebtables for sniffing at layer 2. Here is an example for capturing incomping ARP frames:

ebtables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p arp --nflog-group 1 -j ACCEPT


You need to have kernel support for NFLOG and libnetfilter_log installed to get it working. nflog depends on nfnetlink and ffi (


Guillaume Delugré, guillaume at security-labs dot org