
Nezu is a rails inspired simple amqp app framework. Right now it is pretty much a work in progress though we hope that it will do the job here at It has two major modes of usage:

  1. nezu new /path/to/your/app generates an app-skeleton

  2. (bundle exec) nezu run inside your app folder starts your application and subscribes all your consumers to their appropriate queues

  3. Start amqp-consume --queue="" cat in other shell

  4. Do amqp-publish --body='"<strong>action":"ping","</strong>reply_to":"","test":23' in 3rd shell, now you should see the result: "test":23,"__action":"ping_result" in the output of amqp-consume an debug messages in "nezu run" output

BIGFATALPHAWARNING: This hasn`t been fully tested yet. So if your working on a nuclear plant or so, go back to sleep this will be a lower risk

This Software is released under the Terms of General Public License. You can find a copy of it in this project in the file gpl3.txt