
Common rails application seeding logic.

Seed development

See SEED_BUILDER documentation.


Running tasks on deploy

Task files must be placed in /lib/tasks/seed_#{name}.rake

Set task name in helm values e.g. for a common seed task:

        - common

Configure the post deploy hook in devspace.yaml and set COMPONENT appropriately:

  - name: post-deploy-seed-task-hook
    events: [ "after:deploy" ]
    command: |-
      docker run --rm --pull always cat |
      NAMESPACE=${devspace.namespace} COMPONENT=api bash

Running tasks manually

Run common seed task with default options:

bundle exec rake seed_common:run

Options are [:retry_limit, :sleep_interval]

E.g. to retry 100 times every 3 seconds:

bundle exec rake seed_common:run[100,3]

Removing seeded data

Use NEXUS_SEED_DESTROY env var to locate seeded data and remove it.

Especially useful when developing seeds, run with destroy and then run again without.

NEXUS_SEED_DESTROY=true bundle exec rake seed_common:run

Local gem development

Steps to run this gem from local sources in one the nexus 'staged build' rails components:

Copy gem sources to component

cd ~/nexus-api
cp -r ../nexus_seed .

Adjust component Dockerfile to include gem sources

Within stage 1, append a COPY after the Gemfile copy:

COPY --chown=nexus:nexus Gemfile* ./
COPY --chown=nexus:nexus nexus_seed/ ./nexus_seed/

Within stage 2, append a COPY after the bundle copy:

COPY --from=stage1 /usr/local/bundle /usr/local/bundle
COPY --from=stage1 /app/nexus_seed/ /app/nexus_seed/

Adjust Gemfile to use local path

gem 'nexus_seed', :path => "/app/nexus_seed"