Nexus API

A ruby gem that wraps the Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager 3's REST API, allowing users to interact with Nexus without having to write new connection code every time.

Latest Version Tested

Title Value
Version 3.18.1-01
Edition PRO
Build Revision 72e5414c4f3fb232e32cbfc9fca740111c94d07f
Build Timestamp 2019-08-06-1749-11540


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'nexus_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install nexus_api


You can either use the CLI to query Nexus directly or require the nexus_api gem in your code to interact with it programatically.

Default Repositories

Both the CLI and the NexusAPI::API class support being passed a config which provides a default set of repositories for all commands that require one be specifed. You can look at the template config for the list of supported methods, and create any number of configs for yourself or other users and teams. Global defaults can be set in the default config which is used if no other config is specified.

NOTE: Not every config item needs to be set, just the ones you want to use. If no default repository is set and none is passed in, you will simply receive an error.

Using the CLI

Copy .env.template from the root directory into .env and fill in the values. You can view the help by running the following:


Using the Class

Documentation is never perfect. Use this section as a reference, but lib/nexus_api.rb should be regarded as the source of truth.

# Require the gem
require 'nexus_api'

# Create an instance of the API class
# Optionally, you can provide Docker push and pull endpoints
# (if configured in Nexus) or provide a team configuration file
api =
  username: NEXUS_USERNAME,
  password: NEXUS_PASSWORD,
  hostname: NEXUS_HOSTNAME,
  docker_pull_hostname: DOCKER_PUSH_HOSTNAME,  # Optional
  docker_push_hostname: DOCKER_PULL_HOSTNAME,  # Optional
  config: "team_configs/#{CONFIG_NAME}",       # Optional
# NOTE: All Docker commands will fail if the docker hostnames are not initialized

# You can query information through the list methods
api.list_assets(repository: REPOSITORY_NAME)
api.list_asset(id: ASSET_ID)
api.list_components(repository: REPOSITORY_NAME)
api.list_component(id: ASSET_ID)

# You can search for an asset by its name
# Optionally, you can pass in additional fields to filter the results
  name: ASSET_NAME,
  format: REPOSITORY_FORMAT,    # Optional
  repository: REPOSITORY_NAME,  # Optional
  sha1: SHA1,                   # Optional
  version: VERSION,             # Optional

# The following endpoints will paginate: 
#  - list_assets
#  - list_components
#  - list_tags
#  - search_asset
# You can use the following pattern to page through each method:
set = do |set|
  loop do
    set.concat(api.METHOD_YOU_WANT(ARGUMENTS, paginate: true))
    break unless api.paginate?

# You can download an asset by using its asset_id
# Optionally, you can rename the file on download
  id: ASSET_ID,
  name: NEW_FILE_NAME,  # Optional

# Different asset types require differing information to be uploaded
# Optionally, you can tag the component provided the tag already exists
  filename: MAVEN_FILENAME,
  group_id: GROUP_ID,
  artifact_id: ARTIFACT_ID,
  version: VERSION,
  repository: REPOSITORY_NAME,
  tag: TAG,                     # Optional
  filename: NPM_FILENAME,
  repository: REPOSITORY_NAME,
  tag: TAG,                     # Optional
  filename: PYPI_FILENAME,
  repository: REPOSITORY_NAME,
  tag: TAG,                     # Optional
  filename: NPM_FILENAME,
  directory: PATH_IN_NEXUS,
  repository: REPOSITORY_NAME,
  tag: TAG,                     # Optional
  repository: REPOSITORY_NAME,
  tag: TAG,                     # Optional
  filename: YUM_FILENAME,
  directory: PATH_IN_NEXUS,
  repository: REPOSITORY_NAME,
  tag: TAG,                     # Optional

# Docker is a special case and uses the local Docker daemon
# If this daemon is not installed and running these methods will fail
# NOTE: Docker login/logout is handled as part of the docker methods
api.download_docker_component(image: IMAGE_NAME, tag: DOCKER_TAG)
api.upload_docker_component(image: IMAGE_NAME, tag: DOCKER_TAG)

# You can create/delete tags and associate/disassociate them from components
# (we use the SHA1 rather than the file name because the Nexus search is inconsistent)
api.create_tag(name: TAG)
api.associate_tag(name: TAG, sha1: SHA1_SUM, repository: REPOSITORY_NAME)
api.delete_associated_tag(name: TAG, sha1: SHA1_SUM, repository: REPOSITORY_NAME)
api.delete_tag(name: TAG)

# You can upload, list, run, and delete custom Nexus scripts
api.upload_script(filename: LOCAL_FILENAME)
api.run_script(name: SCRIPT_NAME)
api.delete_script(name: SCRIPT_NAME)

# You can query the Nexus status

# Using an asset's URL you can gather its filesize as a String
api.get_asset_size(asset_url: URL)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


This gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.