Module: Nexposecli

Defined in:

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: Target Classes: ArgParse

Constant Summary collapse


Allowed Search and Filter Operators by field, in Set form

Set["IN", "NOT_IN"]


Parse cli and config options passed

  - comment               : General Options

  - name                  : help
    desc                  : Print help

  - name                  : verbose
    short                 : v
    desc                  : Run verbosely

  - name                  : filteradd
    desc                  : Filter mode default is FALSE for replace, if TRUE add

  - name                  : dryrun
    desc                  : Dry run mode, do not commit to Console

  - name                  : norun
    desc                  : Do not execute or generate the object affected

  - name                  : nodload
    desc                  : Do not download the object affected

  - name                  : download
    desc                  : Download the generated Report locally, into the current directory

  - comment               : EVM Administrative Actions

  - name                  : create
    short                 : c
    desc                  : The create action is used for new objects

  - name                  : schedule
    desc                  : The exception action is used for vuln objects

  - name                  : exception
    short                 : x
    desc                  : The exception action is used for vuln objects

  - name                  : copy
    desc                  : The copy action is used to copy of objects of the same type

  - name                  : list
    short                 : l
    desc                  : The list action is used to list of objects of the same type

  - name                  : show
    short                 : s
    desc                  : The show action is used to display details of a single object

  - name                  : search
    desc                  : The search action is used to find or locate the id of a single object by name

  - name                  : status
    desc                  : The status action is used to display the status of a single object

  - name                  : update
    short                 : u
    desc                  : The update action is used to change properties of a single object

  - name                  : delete
    short                 : d
    desc                  : The delete action is used to delete a single object

  - name                  : history
    desc                  : The history action is used to retrieve the history of certain objects, such as reports and scans

  - name                  : sync
    desc                  : The sync action is used to retrieve and sync certain objects, such as ldap/ad users

  - name                  : run
    desc                  : The run action is only used to issue commands to the COMMAND object

  - comment               : EVM Action Targets

  - name                  : USER
    short                 : U
    desc                  : The USER target is used to alter or create the USER object

  - name                  : ROLE
    short                 : L
    desc                  : The ROLE target is used to alter or create the ROLE object

  - name                  : ENGINE
    short                 : E
    desc                  : The ENGINE target is used to alter or create the SCAN ENGINE object

  - name                  : POOL
    short                 : P
    desc                  : The POOL target is used to alter or create the POOL object

  - name                  : SCAN
    short                 : S
    desc                  : The SCAN target is used to alter or create the SCAN object

  - name                  : SITE
    short                 : T
    desc                  : The SITE target is used to alter or create the SITE object

  - name                  : SILO
    desc                  : The SILO target is used to alter or create the SILO object

  - name                  : ASSET
    short                 : A
    desc                  : The ASSET target is used to alter or create the ASSET object

  - name                  : DASSET
    short                 : D
    desc                  : The DASSET target is used to alter or create the DASSET object

  - name                  : TAG
    short                 : G
    desc                  : The TAG target is used to alter or create the TAG object

  - name                  : REPORT
    short                 : R
    desc                  : The REPORT target is used to alter or create the REPORT object

  - name                  : VULN
    short                 : V
    desc                  : The VULN target is used to alter or create the VULN object

  - name                  : AUTHSRC
    desc                  : The AUTHSRC target is used to alter or list the AUTHSRC object

  - name                  : CONSOLE
    desc                  : The CONSOLE target is used to alter the CONSOLE nsc connection object

  - name                  : TEMPLATE
    desc                  : The TEMPLATE target is used to alter the TEMPLATE nsc connection object

  - name                  : COMMAND
    short                 : C
    desc                  : The COMMAND target is only used in conjunction with the --run action
    required              : true

  - name                  : QUERY
    desc                  : The QUERY target is only used in conjunction with the --run action

  - comment               : EVM Action Argument Values

  - name                  : host
    short                 : h
    desc                  : The target ip or host to be acted upon by the action
    required              : true

  - name                  : port
    short                 : p
    desc                  : The target port to be acted upon by the action
    required              : true

  - name                  : password
    desc                  : The target password
    required              : true

  - name                  : authsrc
    desc                  : The target authsrc id
    required              : true

  - name                  : role
    desc                  : The target role name
    required              : true

  - name                  : days
    desc                  : The number of days since updated or last login
    required              : true

  - name                  : email
    desc                  : The target email address
    required              : true

  - name                  : name
    short                 : n
    desc                  : The target object name
    required              : true

  - name                  : fullname
    desc                  : The target object full name
    required              : true

  - name                  : newname
    desc                  : The target object new name
    required              : true

  - name                  : description
    short                 : t
    desc                  : The text based description of the object being acted upon
    required              : true

  - name                  : id
    short                 : i
    desc                  : The object id being acted upon
    required              : true

  - name                  : template
    desc                  : The scan template id of the entity being acted upon
    required              : true

  - name                  : silo
    desc                  : The silo of the entity being acted upon
    required              : true

  - name                  : site
    desc                  : The site id of the object being acted upon
    required              : true

  - name                  : maxusers
    desc                  : The create silo maximum number of users
    required              : true

  - name                  : maxassets
    desc                  : The create silo maximum number of assets
    required              : true

  - name                  : match
    desc                  : The match type for asset and vuln filters, AND OR
    required              : true

  - name                  : range
    short                 : r
    desc                  : The comma separated (begin,end) range of ip addresses to be acted upon
    required              : true

  - name                  : targets
    desc                  : The network block or ip addresses to be acted upon, in CIDRv4, dotted dashed, or ip format
    required              : true

  - name                  : argv
    short                 : g
    desc                  : Argument vector for the action, in the form key:value pairs
    required              : true

  - name                  : output
    desc                  : The desired format of the output, default, csv
    required              : true

  - name                  : format
    desc                  : The desired format of the report, default is csv
    required              : true

  - name                  : filter
    short                 : f
    desc                  : Filters which are applied to the action, in the form key:value pairs
    required              : true

  - name                  : filterv
    desc                  : Filter value which are applied to the action. Formate varies by filter type
    required              : true

  - name                  : action
    short                 : a
    desc                  : The subaction to be performed within the target action
    required              : true

  - name                  : sql
    desc                  : The sql query to be executed
    required              : true

  - name                  : sqlvar
    desc                  : The sql query to be executed
    required              : true

  - name                  : sqlfile
    desc                  : The file containing the sql query to be executed
    required              : true

  - name                  : timeout
    desc                  : The timeout value in seconds for certain actions, such as reporting
    required              : true

  - name                  : attempts
    desc                  : The max number of attempts for iterative actions
    required              : true

  - name                  : loop_sleep
    desc                  : The sleep interval in seconds between action iterations
    required              : true

  - comment               : Nexpose Console credentials

  - name                  : config
    desc                  : The config yaml file containing the connection details of the Nexpose Console Server
    required              : true

  - name                  : ldapconf
    desc                  : The ldap/ad config yaml file containing the search details
    required              : true

  - name                  : nsc_server
    desc                  : The ip or hostname of the Nexpose Console Server
    required              : true

  - name                  : nsc_user
    desc                  : The username to login to the Nexpose Console Server
    required              : true

  - name                  : nsc_pass
    desc                  : The password to login to the Nexpose Console Server
    required              : true

  - name                  : logpath
    desc                  : The path for writing the logs
    required              : true

  - name                  : scanpath
    desc                  : The path for exported/imported scans
    required              : true