
Keep mailing list subscriptions in sync with your ActiveRecord or Mongoid (ActiveModel) models.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'newsletterable'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install newsletterable


Your initializer:

Newsletterable.configure do |config|
    # Mailchimp API key
    config.api_key = ENV['api_key']

    # Default lists
    config.default_lists = {
        newsletter: '123abc',
        everyone: 'cba321'

    # Specify worker class or custom callback for enqueuing to your worker.
    # Workers usually include Newsletterable::Worker (defines the perform method)
    config.worker = MyWorker
    # or define a callable which will enqueue anyway you like, or synchonously
    config.worker = lambda { |id| SleepyWorker.perform_async('NewsletterTask', id.to_s) }

Your subscriber model e.g User class Must respond_to email (TODO: make this configurable)

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
    include Newsletterable::Subscriber

    has_many :newsletter_subscriptions, as: :subscribable

    # Boolean fields `newsletter` and `everyone`
    subscribe_on :newsletter
    # will unsubscribe if the subscriber class is destroyed
    subscribe_on :everyone, unsubscribe_on_destroy: true

Your Subscription model (each row is a subscription to a mailchimp list) Here using mongoid so that we can easier see the required methods/fields.

class NewsletterSubscription
    include Mongoid::Document
    include Newsletterable::Model

    # This must be an association to the subscribable object
    belongs_to :subscribable, polymorphic: true

    # Used to store old email addresses when object is destroyed or email updated
    field :old_email, type: String
    # List id of suibscription
    field :list, type: String
    # Either pending subscribed unsubscribed out_of_date or error
    field :state, type: String

Add a worker (using anything you like)

class MyWorker
    include Sidekiq::Worker
    include Newsletterable::Worker

    sidekiq_options ....


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request