
Friendly audio mixing, on your command line.


Neve depends on ecasound. On a Mac, install via Homebrew:

$ brew install ecasound
$ gem install neve


Neve expects your files to be organised like this, where my_awesome_tune is an example song name:

├── my_awesome_tune
│   ├── bass.wav
│   ├── drums.wav
│   └── guitar.wav
└── my_awesome_tune.yml

All mix settings are contained in my_awesome_tune.yml. For each track, the fader and pan percentages can be set. Names are expected to match a wav file within the folder of the same name.

  fader: 33
  pan: 25
  fader: 33
  pan: 50
  fader: 33
  pan: 75

fader is an optional value that represents a percentage of the track level. Values below 100 will attenuate the track while values above 100 will cause the track to be amplified. If no value is set, it will default to 100.

Please note that there is no limiting - please use caution when setting fader values, especially with many tracks

pan is an optional value that represents the left/right balance of the track. 0 is fully left, 100 is fully right. If no value if set, it will default to 50.

With the configuration and tracks in place, we can bounce the mix to file:

$ neve mix my_awesome_tune

The mixed file name will include a timestamp to avoid replacing any existing mixes, so for example my_awesome_tune_20140502132657.wav


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request