
This task helps configure a Netzke app with Netzke submodules and optionally ExtJS for Netzke development and debugging.


gem install netzke_config


Must be run frokm the root of a Rails 3 Netzke application.

+Display usage instructions+

netzke_config –help

Note: Ignore the double netzke_config after usage: (which is currently an “error” in Thor)

Usage examples

+Use defaults+

$ netzke_config

Clones netzke modules from ‘skozlov’ github account in ~/netzke/modules.

+Clone modules from specific github account+

$ netzke_config –account kmandrup

Clones netzke modules from ‘kmandrup’ github account in ~/netzke/modules.

+Specify location of netzke modules+

$ netzke_config ../my/place

Retrieves and places netzke modules in ../my/place.

+Create symbolic link to existing ExtJs library and force overwrite of all symbolic links+

$ netzke_config –force-links –extjs ~/code/ext-3.2.1/

+Force overwrite of local netzke modules by newly retrieved remote modules. Also forces overwrite of all symbolic links+

$ netzke_config –force-all –extjs ~/code/ext-3.2.1/

+Attempt download of ExtJs library if it doesn’t exist+

$ netzke_config –overwrite-all –extjs ~/code/ext-3.2.1/ –download

Copyright (c) 2009 Kristian Mandrup