
(Checkout the wiki)

An object oriented Ruby wrapper around the C netsnmp libraries. It provides classes for manager sessions, agents, pdus, varbinds, MIB inspection, and more.

The gem also includes some useful executables including:

  • net-snmp2
    • An interactive REPL for inspecting the MIB, and acting as an SNMP manager.
    • Supports managing multiple agents at once.
    • Implemented on top of Pry, so it inherits all of Pry's goodness.
  • mib2rb
    • A mib2c like tool that uses ERB files to format and display the system MIB.
    • mib2rb has a default template that prints the MIB details in a human-readable format, providing functionality similar to snmptranslate.


  • Supports SNMP versions 1, 2c, and 3
  • Supports both synchronous and asynchronous calls
  • Supports sending of snmpv1 traps and snmpv2 traps/informs using TrapSession
  • Integrates well with eventmachine, or can be used standalone.
  • In Ruby 1.9, uses fibers behind the scenes to emulate synchronous calls asynchronously
  • MIB support
  • Convenience methods such as session.walk, session.get_columns, and session.table
  • SNMP Agent support