
Net-Openvpn is a gem for configuring a local OpenVPN installation.


You will need these packages.

  • openvpn
  • easy-rsa

You can install these on Debian based systems by running this command:

apt-get install openvpn easy-rsa

Easy RSA

Easy RSA is only needed for key generation, so if you are not doing any of that then you don't need to worry.

Sometimes easy-rsa is packaged with openvpn so if you can't find the easy-rsa package anywhere have a look in /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples for the easy-rsa folder.

sudo cp /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0 /usr/local/easy-rsa

You could also clone the release/2.x branch from the easy-rsa repo at then copy the easy-rsa/2.0 folder to wherever you want.

git clone -b release/2.x
sudo cp easy-rsa/easy-rsa/2.0 /usr/local/easy-rsa

Then you can just globally override the property for :easy_rsa to specify the location of the scripts folder (see below).


Server configuration

Modifying the config for a server (config file will be called auckland-office.conf):

server = Net::Openvpn.server("auckland-office")
server.set :port, 1194

Host Configuration (read: client-config-directive)

Technically this is a client, and I should have named it Client instead of Host, but I don't want to break existing apps using this gem. So I aliased Net::Openvpn::Client to Net::Openvpn::Host so you can use the former. However, objects returned by initialization will still be of the type Net::Openvpn::Host.

This is how you set the IP address of a VPN host with the hostname optimus:

host ="optimus")
host.ip = =

You can also use a ActiveModel kind of initialization to allow you to create a host in one fell swoop:"optimus", ip: "", network: "").save

This would create a file at /etc/openvpn/ccd/optimus containing the following:


So that any host connecting to the VPN with a hostname of optimus get assigned

There are also some other handy methods on the host object:

host.file     # where is the file kept?
host.remove   # get rid of the host (delete the file)
host.exist?   # does the file exist?     # has it been saved yet?
host.ip       # what is the ip of this host  # what is the network of this host

Generating certificates and keys

WARNING: This functionality is a little bit experimental at the moment, I am sure there are bugs present which would be found with more specs.

The goal is to build these generators into the Host (read: Client) and Server classes above so you can do something like server.generate_keys!.

Default key properties

You will probably need to set key properties when generating keys. There are some defaults already set and they can be seen by calling Properties#default (but are listed here for brevity):

> Net::Openvpn::Generators::Keys::Properties.default
  :easy_rsa => "/usr/share/easy-rsa", 
  :openssl => "openssl", 
  :pkcs11tool => "pkcs11-tool", 
  :grep => "grep", 
  :key_dir => "/etc/openvpn/keys",
  :key_dir_owner => "root",
  :key_dir_group => "root",
  :key_dir_permission => "700",
  :pkcs11_module_path => "changeme", 
  :pkcs11_pin => 1234, 
  :key_size => 1024, 
  :ca_expire => 3650, 
  :key_expire => 3650, 
  :key_country => "US", 
  :key_province => "CA", 
  :key_city => "SanFrancisco", 
  :key_org => "Fort-Funston", 
  :key_email => "[email protected]", 
  :key_cn => "changeme", 
  :key_name => "changeme", 
  :key_ou => "changeme", 
  :key_config => "/usr/share/easy-rsa/openssl-1.0.0.cnf",
  :key_index => "/etc/openvpn/keys/index.txt"

Overriding key properties globally

Key properties can be overidden by creating the file: /etc/openvpn/props.yml

In this way you can override the default openssl.cnf file, the location of your easy-rsa folder, key size or any properties listed above!

:easy_rsa: /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0
:key_config: /path/to/openssl.cnf
:key_dir: /path/to/generated/keys

Properties set in the YAML file will override the default ones. You can see which properties are specified in the YAML file by checking the Properties#yaml.

> Net::Openvpn::Generators::Keys::Properties.default
  :easy_rsa => "/usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0",
  :key_config => "/path/to/openssl.cnf",
  :key_dir => "/path/to/generated/keys"

But really you should use Net::Openvpn#props to get properties because that will merge the defaults with the properties from the YAML file, the latter overriding keys in the former.

Overriding key properties at generation time

You can also provide key properties when you do the actual generation of the keys as described below. These properties will override properties set in the YAML file.

These properties can be supplied directly to the Authority, Client, Server and Directory classes in the Generators::Keys module as arguments to the new method: key_dir_permission: 0770 key_size: 8192      # this will take hours lol
  key_country: "Switzerland",
  key_province: "Romandy",
  key_city: "Geneva",
  key_email: "[email protected]"
  key_country: "Norway",
  key_province: "Ostlandet",
  key_city: "Oslo",
  key_email: "[email protected]"

Key Directory

To start with the first thing you will need to do is setup the key directory. This can be done with the following line:

# keys = Net::Openvpn.generator(:directory).new
key_dir = 
key_dir.exist?  # check that it worked

This should generate the following files/folders:

  • /etc/openvpn/keys
  • /etc/openvpn/keys/index.txt
  • /etc/openvpn/keys/serial

Certificate Authority

You will also need to generate the certificate authority and DH key like so.

# keys = Net::Openvpn.generator(:authority).new
ca =

This should generate the following files/folders:

  • /etc/openvpn/keys/ca.crt
  • /etc/openvpn/keys/ca.key
  • /etc/openvpn/keys/dh1024.pem


# keys = Net::Openvpn.generator(:server).new("swzvpn04")
keys ="swzvpn04")
keys.exist?  # returns true if the key files exist
keys.valid?  # returns true if the keys are valid in the index

This should generate the following files/folders:

  • /etc/openvpn/keys/swzvpn04.key
  • /etc/openvpn/keys/swzvpn04.crt


# keys = Net::Openvpn.generator(:client).new("fred")
keys ="fred")
keys.exist?  # returns true if the key files exist
keys.valid?  # returns true if the keys are valid in the index

This should generate the following files/folders:

  • /etc/openvpn/keys/fred.key
  • /etc/openvpn/keys/fred.crt

Revoke the keys like so (UNTESTED!):

keys ="fred")
keys.valid?  # returns false

Rails Permissions

If you are running rails and you want to give the rails user access, you could do it like this:

groupadd openvpn
chown root.openvpn /etc/openvpn -R
chmod ug+rwx /etc/openvpn -R
chmod o-rwx /etc/openvpn -R
cd /etc/openvpn
chmod g-rwx easy-rsa *.key *.crt *.pem
usermod -aG openvpn rails-app-user

Then override the following properties in your /etc/openvpn/props.yml file:

:key_dir_group: "openvpn"
:key_dir_permission: 0700