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NetHttp2 is an HTTP/2 client for Ruby.


Just install the gem:

$ gem install net-http2

Or add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'net-http2'


With a blocking call:

require 'net-http2'

# create a client
client ="")

# send request
response = client.get('/')

# read the response
response.ok?      # => true
response.status   # => '200'
response.headers  # => {":status"=>"200"}
response.body     # => "A body"

# close the connection

With a non-blocking call:

require 'net-http2'

# create a client
client ="")

# send request
client.async_get('/') do |response|

  # read the response
  response.ok?      # => true
  response.status   # => '200'
  response.headers  # => {":status"=>"200"}
  response.body     # => "A body"

  # close the connection

# quick & dirty fix to wait for the block to be called asynchronously
sleep 5



To create a new client:


  • new(url, options={})NetHttp2::Client

Returns a new client. url is a string such as https://localhost:443. The only current option is :ssl_context, in case the url has an https scheme and you want your SSL client to use a custom context.

For instance:

  certificate ="cert.pem")
  ctx         =
  ctx.key     =, "cert_password")
  ctx.cert    =, ssl_context: ctx)
  • uriURI

Returns the URI of the endpoint.

Blocking calls

These behave similarly to HTTP/1 calls.

  • get(path, headers={}, options={})NetHttp2::Response or nil

Sends a GET request. Options can only specify a :timeout (defaults to 60). Returns nil in case a timeout occurs.

For example:

  response_1 = client.get('/path1')
  response_2 = client.get('/path2', { 'x-custom-header' => 'custom' })
  response_3 = client.get('/path3', { 'x-custom-header' => 'custom' }, timeout: 1)
  • post(path, body, headers={}, options={})NetHttp2::Response or nil

Sends a POST request. Options can only specify a :timeout (defaults to 60). Returns nil in case a timeout occurs.

  • put(path, body, headers={}, options={})NetHttp2::Response or nil

Sends a PUT request. Options can only specify a :timeout (defaults to 60). Returns nil in case a timeout occurs.

  • delete(path, headers={}, options={})NetHttp2::Response or nil

Sends a DELETE request. Options can only specify a :timeout (defaults to 60). Returns nil in case a timeout occurs.

Non-blocking calls

The API of these calls is still subject to change, as on of HTTP/2 benefits is to allow for the streaming of responses' bodies.

  • async_get(path, headers={}, options={}) → block called with NetHttp2::Response or nil

Sends a GET request. Options can only specify a :timeout (defaults to 60). Returns nil in case a timeout occurs.

For example:

  client.get('/path1') { |response_1| p response_2 }
  client.get('/path2', { 'x-custom-header' => 'custom' }) { |response_2| p response_2 }
  client.get('/path3', {}, timeout: 1) { |response_3| p response_3 }
  • async_post(path, body, headers={}, options={}) → block called with NetHttp2::Response or nil

Sends a POST request. Options can only specify a :timeout (defaults to 60). Returns nil in case a timeout occurs.

  • async_put(path,body, headers={}, options={}) → block called with NetHttp2::Response or nil

Sends a PUT request. Options can only specify a :timeout (defaults to 60). Returns nil in case a timeout occurs.

  • async_delete(path, headers={}, options={}) → block called with NetHttp2::Response or nil

Sends a DELETE request. Options can only specify a :timeout (defaults to 60). Returns nil in case a timeout occurs.



  • ok?boolean

Returns if the request was successful.

  • headershash

Returns a Hash containing the Headers of the response.

  • statusstring

Returns the status code.

  • bodystring

Returns the RAW body of the response.


So you want to contribute? That's great! Please follow the guidelines below. It will make it easier to get merged in.

Before implementing a new feature, please submit a ticket to discuss what you intend to do. Your feature might already be in the works, or an alternative implementation might have already been discussed.

Do not commit to master in your fork. Provide a clean branch without merge commits. Every pull request should have its own topic branch. In this way, every additional adjustments to the original pull request might be done easily, and squashed with git rebase -i. The updated branch will be visible in the same pull request, so there will be no need to open new pull requests when there are changes to be applied.

Ensure to include proper testing. To run tests you simply have to be in the project's root directory and run:

$ rake