
Neige is a minimalist and lightweight Jekyll blog theme :snowflake:

Neige theme preview

Table of content


  • Made for blogging
  • Minimalist
  • Fast: no JS
  • Accessible
  • Easy configuration
  • Siteleaf ready
  • Meta tags ready
  • Works on any browser
  • Mobile ready
  • Pixel perfect


  • Gem based
  • GH pages


Everythings happens in the _config.yml file.

  • title: set the main title (used for meta tags).

  • description: set the main description (used for meta tags).

  • favicon: set the favicon (located at assets/img/favicon.png).

  • icon: set the logo on the header (located at assets/img/icon.png).

  • og_image: set the default Open Graph image (located at assets/img/og.jpg).

  • lang: set the language of your website. Used as lang attribute on the <html> tag.

  • baseurl: set the root URL of your website (example:

  • twitter: the main Twitter account of the website (example: @twitter).

  • navigation: set the navigation of your website. Add items with the following properties:

  - name: About
    url: "/about"
    title: About me
    external: false
  - name: Contact
    url: "/contact"
    title: Contact me
    external: false

The title property is used as the title attribute on the link. Set external to "true" if the link should open in a new tab.

  • authors: Add authors to your blog with the following properties:
  - id: bilbo
    name: Bilbo Baggins
    twitter: "@bilbo"

Then you can link a blog post to an author with its id.

  • footer: set custom content for the <footer> tag.

  • paginate: define the number of posts displayed on the page.

  • paginate_path: define the path of pagination pages (example: "/blog/page:num/" would result in /blog/2/).

How to

Add new post

To create a new blog post, follow these steps:

  1. Create a .md file in the _posts folder (example:
  2. Add the following properties in the YAML Front Matter:
  layout: post
  date: YYYY-MM-DD
  title: "Your post title"
  description: "Your post description"
  author: jack

The title and description are used on the post but also for the meta tags. The author must be a existing author id in your _config.yml file.

  1. Write with blog post content.

Add new page

To create new static pages, follow these steps:

  1. Create a .md file at the root of your project (example:
  2. Add the following properties in the YAML Front Matter:
  layout: page
  title: "Your page title"
  description: "Your page description"

The title and description are used on the page but also for the meta tags.

  1. Write the content of your page.

Add meta tags

Meta tags for all kind of page (home, page, post and error) are already configured based on the content you're filling in _config.yml for the homepage and in the front-matter for the others.

If you wish to modify the behavior of already existing meta tags settings or to add new ones, head over the head.html partial in _includes folder.

Edit error page

Simply edit the content of the page.

Update styles

All the .scss files are in the _sass folder arranged by components (header, pagination, footer...). They are called by the main stylesheet /assets/css/style.scss.

Feel free to modify styles the way you want (SASS variables are located in _sass/vars.scss).

To do

  • [ ] Add syntax highlighting
  • [ ] Add Google analytics config
  • Write default posts:
    • [ ] Neige Features
    • [ ] Page elements
    • [ ] Install Neige to your Jekyll website
    • [ ] Make Neige your own
  • Write default pages:
    • [ ] About page


  • Gems: in .gemspec or Gemfile?
  • Difference between GH pages remote theme and classic Jekyll theme
  • Versioning configuration (master branch // dev branch)


Launch local web server with live reloading (port = 4000):

bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload