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Easily read CSV files. Less murderous rage.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'nebulous'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install nebulous


Nebulous is a bit easier going than other CSV libraries for Ruby. It will parse data that would otherwise fail with Ruby's CSV and supports the common problems that are present in real-world CSV files. Nebulous will also try to intelligently determine the column delimiters and line terminators before parsing so you don't have to. Which makes handling CSV file uploads a breeze when you have no idea what you might get. Let's cover some examples.

Nebulous.process "path/to/file.csv"
=> [{:first_name=>"Meghan", :last_name=>"Koch"},
    {:first_name=>"Genoveva", :last_name=>"Dare"}, ...]

Or process within a block in chunks of 10

Nebulous.process "path/to/file.csv", chunk: 10 do |chunk|
  p chunk
=> [{:first_name=>"Meghan", :last_name=>"Koch"},
    {:first_name=>"Genoveva", :last_name=>"Dare"}, ...]
=> [{:first_name=>"Chad", :last_name=>"Anderson"},
    {:first_name=>"Arnold", :last_name=>"Yundt"}, ...]

Or provide your own header mapping to normalize columns:

map = {first_name: :col1, last_name: :col2 }
Nebulous.process "path/to/file.csv", mapping: map
=> [{:col1=>"どーもありがとう", :col2=>"ミスター·ロボット"},
    {:col1=>"Meghan", :col2=>"Koch"}, 
    {:col1=>"Genoveva", :col2=>"Dare"}]

If you know your CSV file does not contain headers it will return simple Arrays.

Nebulous.process "path/to/file.csv", headers: false
=> [["どーもありがとう", "ミスター·ロボット"],
    ["Meghan", "Koch"], 
    ["Genoveva", "Dare"]]

Or provide a limit:

Nebulous.process "path/to/file.csv", limit: 1
=> [{:first_name=>"どーもありがとう", :last_name=>"ミスター·ロボット"}]


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request targetting develop