
NCUpdater provides you with an easy way to update your ruby scripts. You specify a link to a small text file with latest version number, and the path of a .semver file in your project. It will then check for updates every time your project starts. You can run update with a list of commands you would like to run.


gem install ncupdater


Basic usage

Example 1

This example will run the update when the script starts

require 'ncupdater'

# Define commands to run the update
commands = {
    :'Gem update' => 'gem update my-command',
    :'Some other command' => 'ls -la'

# Init the NCUpdater class
# .semver is path to the location of a file with the local version in the semver format (
# The url is to a link with a text file with the latest version in semver format.
ncupdater = NCUpdater::new('.semver', 'http://LINK-TO-A-TEXT-FILE-WITH-NEW-VERSION', commands)

if ncupdater::new_version?

Example 2

This example will run the update if you provide "update" as first argument of your script. It also shows a message when the script starts that there are a newer version

require 'ncupdater'

# Define commands to run the update
commands = {
    :'Gem update' => 'gem update my-command',
    :'Some other command' => 'ls -la'

# Init the NCUpdater class
# .semver is path to the location of a file with the local version in the semver format (
# The url is to a link with a text file with the latest version in semver format.
ncupdater = NCUpdater::new('.semver', 'http://LINK-TO-A-TEXT-FILE-WITH-NEW-VERSION', commands)

if ncupdater::new_version?
    puts 'A new version is available. Please run the command as: ruby <my-script>.rb update to get the latest awesomeness'

if ARGV[0] == 'update'


  • Write some tests
  • Write doc blocks
  • Better error handling