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The NCUA lets you search for a credit union office by name, address and charter number. Their site uses a JSON api behind their

This gem is a ruby client to that API. It's totally unaffiliated with the NCUA. It's open source, so anyone can use it, and anyone can help maintain it. At this point, it's maintained by the developers at Continuity.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

  gem 'ncua'

And then execute:

  $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

  $ gem install ncua


Currently all of our features are namespaced under the NCUA module.

The NCUA lets you find a Credit Union Office by its name, charter number, or within an address:

  credit_unions = NCUA.find_office_by_name('Federal')  #=> [NCUA::CreditUnion::Office, ... ]

You can also find an office by name, address, charter_number. Searching by address takes an optional radius argument to limit the scope of the address query (units are in miles):

  credit_unions = NCUA.find_office_by_charter_number(12345)  #=> [NCUA::CreditUnion::Office, ... ]

  credit_unions = NCUA.find_office_by_address("125 Main St., Anywhere, CT", radius: 50)  #=> [NCUA::CreditUnion::Office, ... ]

Right now, an NCUA::CreditUnion::Office has all of the following getters:

 | --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
 | Method                      | Explanation                                                   |
 | --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
 | name                        | The Credit Union's Name                                       |
 | long                        | The Longitude of the Credit Union                             |
 | lat                         | The Latitude of the Credit Union                              |
 | site_name                   | The name of the Credit Union office or branch                 |
 | charter_number              | The Credit Union's Charter Number                             |
 | city                        | The Credit Union's City                                       |
 | country                     | The Credit Union's Country                                    |
 | main_office?                | Whether the Credit Union office is the Main Office            |
 | phone                       | The Credit Union's phone number                               |
 | site_functions              | The Credit Union's Site functions.*                           |
 | site_id                     | The Credit Union's Site ID                                    |
 | state                       | The Credit Union's State                                      |
 | url                         | The Credit Union's Url                                        |
 | zip                         | The Credit Union's Zip Code                                   |
 | distance_from_query_address | The Distance between the queried address and the Credit Union |
 | street                      | The Credit Union's Street address                             |
 | --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------- |

*Currently these are limited to `Member Services`, `Drive Through` and `ATM`

NCUA::CreditUnion::Office also exposes a #details method. This scrapes the NCUA's show page for a particular credit union, and returns an NCUA::CreditUnion::Details object. This object contains the details of a particular Credit Union, instead of a particular office location.

Keep in mind, this scrapes data from html, so this might break regularly.

Right now, an NCUA::CreditUnion::Details object has the following getters:

        | field                      | description                                                                                                  |
        | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
        | credit_union_name          | The Credit Union's name                                                                                      |
        | charter_number             | The Credit Union's NCUA charter number                                                                       |
        | credit_union_type          | The Type of Credit Union (Either Federal Credit Union [FCU] or Federally Insured State Credit Union [FISCU]) |
        | active?                    | Whether the Credit Union is active or not                                                                    |
        | corporate_credit_union?    | Whether the Credit Union is a corporate credit union or not                                                  |
        | credit_union_charter_year  | The year the Credit Union was chartered                                                                      |
        | current_charter_issue_date | The date the current charter was issued                                                                      |
        | date_insured               | The date that the Credit Union was insured as of                                                             |
        | charter_state              | The charter state of the Credit Union                                                                        |
        | region                     | The Credit Union's region                                                                                    |
        | field_of_membership_type   | The Credit Union's field of membership type                                                                  |
        | low_income_designation?    | Whether the Credit Union has low income designation                                                          |
        | member_of_fhlb?            | Whether the Credit Union is a member of the Federal Home Loan Bank System                                    |
        | assets                     | The total assets of the Credit Union, as a floating point decimal                                            |
        | peer_group                 | The Credit Union's Peer Group                                                                                |
        | number_of_members          | The Credit Union's number of Members                                                                         |
        | address                    | The street address of the Credit Union                                                                       |
        | city_state_zip_code        | The City, State and Zip code of the Credit Union                                                             |
        | country                    | The Country of the Credit Union                                                                              |
        | county                     | The County of the Credit Union                                                                               |
        | phone                      | The Phone number of the Credit Union                                                                         |
        | website                    | The Website of the Credit Union                                                                              |
        | ceo_or_manager             | The name of the CEO or Manager of the Credit Union                                                           |
        | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |

You can also scrape this directly from the NCUA module by calling NCUA.find_credit_union(charter_number)


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.