
Provides a simple interface to PivotalTracker using syntax similar to ActiveRecord.

@projects = Pivotal::Project.find :all
@project = Pivotal::Project.find 24

There’s some basic association support built in.

@stories = @projects.first.stories
@iterations = @projects.first.iterations

Working with Stories

Getting all stories for a project

@project = Pivotal::Project.find 24
@stories = @project.stories

@stories = Pivotal::Story.find_all_by_project_id 24

Getting a specific story for a project

@story = Pivotal::Story.find_by_project_id_and_id 24, 14


@story = Pivotal::Story.find 14, :project_id => 24

Getting a story from a project by name

@project = Pivotal::Project.find(246)
p.stories.find {|s| s.name = "Deal with web thumbnails"}


Getting all features for a project

Pivotal::Story.find :all, :project_id => 4860, :filter => {:type => "feature"}

Filter types can be bug, release, feature.

You can also filter by label:

Pivotal::Story.find :all, :project_id => 4860, :filter => {:label => "private"}

You can use them together to find labels by type.

Pivotal::Story.find :all, :project_id => 4860, :filter => => “bug”, :label => “private”


Pivotal::Story.find :all, :project_id => 4860, :filter => {:type => "feature"}, :limit => 2


Require the library in your project and then configure it with your API key.

require 'pivotal'
Pivotal::Configuration.options[:api_key] = "asdfagjasd"

Known Issues

This is extremely rudimentary and not meant for any sort of production use. There is no write support yet.



* Updated readme to show how filter by label works
* Fixed story to contain the current_state (gisikw)


* Refactored finders
* Added CollectionProxy to allow story filtering
* Added finders for locating individual projects and stories
* refactored models to reduce duplicated code
* preserved original hash


* Fixed requires


* Basic record retrieval from PivotalTracker.


Copyright 2009 Brian Hogan Licensed under the MIT license. Use of this library must be in accordance with Pivotal Tracker’s terms of service and requires an API key.