Feature: Parse the names in the Readme file As a hacker who works with Namae I want to be able to parse all the examples in the Readme file

Scenario Outline: Names Parsing
  When I parse the name "<name>"
  Then the parts should be:
    |  given  |  particle  |  family  |  suffix  |  title  |  appellation  |  nick  |
    | <given> | <particle> | <family> | <suffix> | <title> | <appellation> | <nick> |

  @readme @display
  Scenarios: Readme examples (display-order)
    | name                         | given        | particle | family       | suffix | title     | appellation | nick |
    | Charles Babbage              | Charles      |          | Babbage      |        |           |             |      |
    | Mr. Alan M. Turing           | Alan M.      |          | Turing       |        |           | Mr.         |      |
    | Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto    | Yukihiro     |          | Matsumoto    |        |           |             | Matz |
    | Sir Isaac Newton             | Isaac        |          | Newton       |        | Sir       |             |      |
    | Prof. Donald Ervin Knuth     | Donald Ervin |          | Knuth        |        | Prof.     |             |      |
    | Lord Byron                   |              |          | Byron        |        | Lord      |             |      |
    | Ms. Sofia Kovalevskaya       | Sofia        |          | Kovalevskaya |        |           | Ms.         |      |
    | Countess Ada Lovelace        | Ada          |          | Lovelace     |        | Countess  |             |      |
    | Augusta Ada King             | Augusta Ada  |          | King         |        |           |             |      |

  @readme @sort
  Scenarios: Readme examples (sort-order)
    | name                         | given        | particle | family           | suffix | title | appellation | nick |
    | Carreño Quiñones, María-Jose | María-Jose   |          | Carreño Quiñones |        |       |             |      |