INES - Inline Narrated Expressions Syntax

INES is a quasi-markup language designed to indicate various human expressions with plain ASCII characters.

It was originally intended to use in my browser-based RPG, so if you ask yourself “WTF is this?” - that’s ok :)

Quick intro

You can embed any text in a pair of tags to mark it as expression. Instead, you can prefix the text with that tags, but in this case any leading expressions will be ignored.

Note that any whitespace surrounding content of every expression is trimmed (thus it’s an inline markup). Additionaly, every part of the text not indicating any expression will be converted to the default one.


By default following tags are available:

  • ‘ - statement (default)

  • $ - shout

  • _ - whisper

  • # - thought

      • action


*Ines looked happy today.* `I'm alive at last!` *she said.*

$Oh hai!$ ** kitteh smiled.

__Nobody loves me...

*   Squirrel took a nap in the box.   *