MyWay-CLI: The must-have tool for MyWay

The MyWay CLI allows users to create, modify, run and test projects using the MyWay Sinatra framework (see here: using the simple myway command.


Simply run the following in console to install:

$ gem install myway-cli


To create a new project:

$ myway generate project project-name

To run the server:

$ myway run server

To run test:

$ myway run tests

To introduce a new controller, api or model:

$ myway generate controller example_controller
$ myway generate api example_api
$ myway generate model example_model

Note: command segments can be run with just the first letter of their name (e.g. running the server can be accomplished with myway r s)


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/myway.

Feel free to fork it and help out on this project!


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.