# mysql_rake_tasks

A collection of rails rake tasks for mysql

  1. create_users - creates localhost mysql user accounts for each database listing in the database.yml

  2. stats - database stats - table size

## Install

  1. Add mysql_rake_tasks to your gem file

gem 'mysql_rake_tasks', '~> 0.1.0'
  1. Run the bundle command

bundle install

## Examples

### create_users

To create mysql users in interactive mode run:

rake db:mysql:create_users
mysql user: root
mysql pass:

You can also specify your root username and password on the command line:

rake db:mysel:create_users[root,mypassword]

### stats

To display database stats:

rake db:mysql:stats
| Table Name                     |          Rows | Data Size | IDX Size | Total Size |
| fish                           |  1.41 Million |   93.6 MB |  41.1 MB |     135 MB |
| birds                          |             0 |     16 KB |  0 Bytes |      16 KB |
| cats                           |            14 |     16 KB |  0 Bytes |      16 KB |
| schema_migrations              |             7 |     16 KB |  0 Bytes |      16 KB |
| users                          |             5 |     16 KB |    32 KB |      48 KB |
|                                                                       |     135 MB |
Database: mydb_development  MySQL Server Version: 5.1.58

## License


## Credits

Author: Gregory Ostermayr [email protected]

Contributed code and/or ideas:

Kevin Woods

Travis Herrick