My Todo


This is yet another simple todo application. This was built because I found myself having to create quick reminders when things came up but needing to switch windows from the terminal to the todo application via the GUI. This application is the result of that one annoyance :). It is still a work in progress but I hope you find it useful.


  • SQLIte3 backend (database is located in $HOME/.my_todo)
  • CRUD actions for todo items (Create, Read, Update & Delete)
  • Tag / Untag todo items to group / ungroup them.
  • Search for todo items
  • Add / Remove additional notes to todo items


To install this gem onto your system

gem install my_todo


Create and migrate the DB

my_todo rake db:migrate


Simply type my_todo to see a list of commands

Example of creating a todo item

my_todo create --body='hello world'

will display


ID: 4
ToDo: hello world
Tags: default
Complete: false

Example of listing pending todos

my_todo list

will display

ToDos FOUND: 1

ID: 3
ToDo: hello world
Tags: default
Complete: false

Use aliasing to shorten the syntax:

alias m='my_todo'
alias mlist='my_todo list'
alias mcreate='my_todo create'
alias mupdate='my_todo update'
alias mdelete='my_todo delete'
alias mtag='my_todo tag'
alias mrmtag='my_todo rm_tag'
alias mnote='my_todo note'
alias mrmnote='my_todo rm_note'
alias msearch='my_todo search'

Functions can be created around these actions to possibly shorten the syntax that much more


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then RAILS_ENV=development bin/my_todo rake db:migrate to create the development DB. You can also run RAILS_ENV=development bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

NOTE: In development, all commands must be run with the RAILS_ENV included. This is to make sure any changes made go to the right db. Any commands ran without the RAILS_ENV specified will default to production.


Run RAILS_ENV=test bin/my_todo rake db:migrate to create the test db. Then run rake to run the RSpec tests.


To release a new version,

  • update the version number in version.rb
  • tag the the code git tag v1.0.0
  • push the tag git push --tags
  • then run bundle exec rake build
  • gem push pkg/my_todo-verion

Removing the gem

To remove the gem simply type gem uninstall my_todo. Along with this, you will need to remove $HOME/.my_todo to remove the database.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.