Mxit Rails

A gem that includes a simple and opinionated templating framework for Rails-based Mxit apps. This includes a rough layout, support for styles similar to CSS classes, wrapped inputs, and an elegant way to support Mxit's conversation-based interface.

Later versions will also include wrappers for important Mxit APIs.

Sample App

A basic to-do app has been set up as an example of the gem in use. It can be seen at mxit-to-do.


To use the gem, just include the gem your rails projects' gemfile:

gem 'mxit-rails', '~> 0.2.7'

The newest version is 0.2.7 - it is not recommended to use any earlier versions.

Basic usage

To set up a controller to use the gem, you need to include the MxitRails::Page module:

include MxitRails::Page

This creates a few helper methods that can be used within that controller

  • input input_name, input_label - Define the page's input field with a name (symbol) and text label
  • validate type, [parameter], message - Set up validations on the input field.
  • validate message, &block - A custom message with a block providing a true (valid) or false (invalid) value.
    Note that the block must not use a return statement
  • submit &block - A code block that will only be executed if the input was submitted and passed all validations.


Currently the following validations are available:

  • :not_blank
  • :numeric
  • :length, exact_length
  • :min_length, min
  • :max_length, max

Multi-step forms

The gem allows the easy set up of multi-step forms within a single controller action. Forms are defined as follows:

form do
  step :first do
  step :second do

The order in which steps are defined will be the order they are presented to users in. Each step should have its own view file, in app/views/controller/action/step. Each step has access to the same helper methods as the controller itself. For steps that don't have an input field, a proceed helper method is provided

  • proceed message - Show a proceed link rather than a form input

Users will only proceed to the next step in the form if all validations of the previous step pass.

If the action has a submit block (defined outside of the form), it will only be executed after the last step is completed.


Mxit-rails has a basic styling engine that functions similarly to CSS classes. Styles are identified by a symbol, and can be declared in any controller with the mxit_style macro. It is recommended to declare them in application controller.

mxit_style :author, 'background-color:#F8F3EA; color:#000000'

To include a style in a template, use the mxit_style helper method. Any number of styles can be given as parameters to this method.

<p style="<%= mxit_style :author %>">Lewis Carroll</p>

The following special styles are used in the overall layout, and it is thus recommended that they be defined. Note that links can only be styled per-page, not per link.

  • :body - The page body (body element in html)
  • :title - The page title
  • :link - The colour of links in the page
  • :link_hover - The colour and background colour of highlighted links.


The gem currently includes a default layout that has a title bar, an optional navigation link, and a form input below the body where appropriate. The title and navigation should be defined with content_for blocks, addressing :title and :navigation respectively.


The mxit-rails gem is provided with an emulator to aid development. It can be accessed at /emulator. The url will dynamically update to show the current URL of the page shown as a suffix, e.g. emulator/path_to/page. Certain parts of the app can similarly be loaded directly by navigating to their corresponding URL.

To set the root URL of the emulator, add the following line to config/application.rb:

config.mxit_root = 'mxit'

Mxit Headers

The gem automatically parses (some) Mxit headers and makes them available in the mxit_params hash. When using the emulator these values are spoofed with cookies, but in a way transparent to the app itself. Currently the following are available:

  • :mxit_id - The user's Mxit ID (m-ID). From the X-Mxit-UserId-R header
  • :mxit_login - The user's Mxit Login name. From the X-Mxit-Login or X-Mxit-ID-R header
  • :display_name - The user's current nickname. From the X-Mxit-Nick header
  • :distribution_code - The distribution code corresponding to the specific installaction of the Mxit app on the user's phone. The first part of the X-Mxit-Device-Info header.
  • :mobile_number - The user's mobile number as in their profile. The second part of the X-Mxit-Device-Info header.